edub Posts

Public input sought on Duluth Traverse mini-master plan


The city of Duluth is compiling comments for the draft Duluth Traverse Trail Management and Mini-Master Plan and is seeking input on expanded mountain bike trail offerings with a goal of 100 miles of trails, bike skills park construction sites and improved/expanded neighborhood trail access and facilities such as expanded parking, showers and signage.

Hell has frozen over, Eric Dubnicka has a blog!

Inspired by a previous post, and feeling a desperate need for external validation, I figured it’s about time to formally introduce my blog to the PDD community.

An angst-ridden New Years drove me to finally get a website going, and shockingly, I update it with new artwork near daily, commentary and links to art, design and oddities that I’ve come across.  It’s a work in progress and I encourage any comments and suggestions you may have.

Gypsy moth abatement

Nothing will drive viewers to a new blog like gypsy moth abatement!  Did anyone else get the gypsy moth abatement report in the mail yesterday and can anyone explain to me why pheromone treatment is fine for 99 percent of the treatment areas, yet in a small area of East Hillside they’ll be spraying insecticide?!? 

Here’s a link to a pdf version they sent.

Eric Dubnicka