Matthew Dressel Posts

The Junk Food Film Festival – April 2024 at Zinema

Hey all, this is my festival; I run it with my partner Marin. We used to host a film series called Midnight Movies at 7 at the Zinema and this will very much be in the same vein. We’ll be giving away prizes, have special guests, and eat a ton of junk food.

Please make sure to follow us on Facebook; we’ll be revealing the lineup in the months ahead as we get ready.

I wrote Bob Saget’s last movie and it’s coming to Duluth

Twelve years ago I wrote a movie called Killing Daniel. Two years after I wrote it, I optioned it to Darius Films in Toronto, Canada. At the time I had no idea it would take a decade before it would be finished. In that time the script went through more rewrites than I can count, numerous actors signed on and departed from the project, and we lost the original director and were director-less for quite some time.

Duluth Superior Film Festival 2019 Trailer

Here’s the official trailer for the 2019 Duluth Superior Film Festival. May 29 to June 2 with a kick-off at the NorShor featuring Mike Scholtz’s hilarious new documentary Riplist.

We still need volunteers, so if you’d like to help out, please e-mail Marin Molander at marin.molander @ Volunteers get a bunch of cool stuff for helping out (four hours minimum).

2018 Duluth Superior Film Festival Trailer

The Duluth Superior Film Festival runs May 30 to June 3 at five Duluth venues — Clyde Iron Works, Zinema 2, Teatro Zuccone, Blacklist Artisan Ales and AICHO — and also the Comet Theater in Cook.

Duluth Superior Film Festival accepting short films for 2018

The 2018 Duluth Superior Film Festival is right around the corner. No official date has been set, but the event typically occurs in early June.

In the meantime, short films are needed. Local and regional shorts of all genres will be considered.

To submit, e-mail a link to the film and a brief description to matthew.dressel @ Feel free to also e-mail Duluth Superior Film Festival Coordinator Matthew Dressel with questions.

Duluth Film Directory

If you’re a filmmaker/actor/screenwriter — or working in any capacity in film in the Duluth area — this post should be of interest to you.

Today I launched the Duluth Film Directory: a database of all the people working in film in Duluth. I constantly receive emails from people asking me who is working in the area, and this will be a convenient way to consolidate everyone into one location. Now, when someone is looking for a freelancer, they’ll know exactly where to turn.

If you’re interested in signing up for the directory, please email me your information at duluthfilmcollective @

Please include:

  • Your work title
  • Areas of expertise
  • What you’re currently working on
  • Email, website, IMDB page
  • A nice picture of yourself (not grainy or small)

Midnight Movies at 7 – New Film Series at Zinema 2

In August Zeitgeist Arts Cafe and the Duluth Film Collective are launching a new film series: Midnight Movies at 7. The series will focus on cult classics, genre favorites, and films that are so bad they’re great.

First up in the series is Miami Connection, a 1980s tale of ninjas, rock ‘n’ roll, and taekwondo. The film will screen for one night only: Tuesday, August 9 at 7 p.m.

The Duluth Film Collective

The Duluth Film Collective is looking for filmmakers. All aspects of film production: directors, writers, producers, editors. (We’re also always looking for film lovers, as well.)

We hold monthly meetings at the Zeitgeist and Creative Coffees: a creative work-shopping opportunity to discuss scripts and other projects you might be working on. Coming up: the director of the Duluth Superior Film Festival will be coming to speak at our official March meeting.  Hope to see you there!

Any questions, please email duluthfilmcollective @

New Duluth Film Meetup Group

I’m a filmmaker new to Duluth. I started a new Meetup so I could wrangle all the film enthusiasts in the area into one location. The group covers people interested in making films and those who just enjoy watching them. Only a day old and already growing, with our first meeting coming up Sept. 4. Hope to see you there!