Carrster Posts

The Life of Riley 7:15 Screening Sold Out

Due to a great response, the 7:15pm’s RSVP list is now filled! Thank you! If you are still interested in coming to see the film, there are spots available at 9:15. Email me at carrie(at)4trackfilms(dot)com or send me a message on FB.

If you have already RSVP’d for the 7:15 show, PLEASE arrive by 6:45 to check in. Then feel free to wander about, grab a 1/2 price pint from the cafe or some grub, or step out to the Lakewalk for a few minutes. After 6:45 we will be releasing seats to those who are waiting.

If you have any questions, please email me at the above.

Also – I’ll be doing an interview this evening on The Local on KUMD – talking about & playing some of the awesome local music in the film!

The Life of Riley – Trailer!

Sneak Preview
Monday, June 13
7:15 p.m.

$10 suggested donation – RSVP on the FaceBook Event Page or by emailing [email protected]

The Life of Riley – Sneak Preview

At long last, 4 Track Films is having a sneak preview of its latest feature length film, The Life of Riley. Come on down to the Zinema on Monday, June 13, and be the first to see the film. The Life of Riley not only shows off the beauty of Duluth and the North Shore, but also features many local (and a few from the Twin Cities) actors, technicians and designers. Also featuring homegrown music from Low, the Black-eyed Snakes, Charlie Parr, Haley Bonar, Mary Bue, the Alrights, the Very People, Cars & Trucks, the Keep Aways, Kathy McTavish, Crew Jones, Equal Xchange and Minnesota-grown Martin Zellar.

This screening will be a fundraiser to help us get a jump start on our festival circuit. $10 suggested donation with Q&A and informal reception afterward.

If you have any questions, please email Carrie at carrie @

Thanks for all your support!

Interview with World-Class A-hole

WMW Still 1

Check out the latest interview with White Man’s World writer/director Jason Page.

New 4 Track Films Production

We’re going into production on a new 4 Track Film. This one is entitled The Life of Riley and is a romantic comedy. We’re shooting in and around Duluth and a little up the North Shore.

Free Screening of GOD ROCKED at CSS


God Rocked DVD

God Rocked DVD

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
7pm – Science Auditorium, College of St. Scholastica
FREE to CSS Students & Faculty (with ID)
Everyone else $5
Hope to see you there!