Bret Posts

Where in Duluth?


Where in Duluth?

This seems an odd location for a bathroom faucet.  Where in Duluth?  Hint: may be in a grocery store.

oddly placed faucet

Why does the City of Duluth hate wildflowers and butterflies?


Here in Lakeside we love our extension of the Lakewalk. One of the best features are all the wildflowers that grow along the fence, including stands of milkweed which is essential for Monarch butterflies.

So, I was shocked today to see City crews with weed whips cutting down the wild flowers along the fence.

Who could have thought this was a good idea? And how can we tell that person to stop destroying this wonderfully beautiful and diverse wildflower habitat?

OK, this is totally worth it. Trust me.

First, watch this real video about the 10 trips you have to take in your 20s.

Then, watch this spoof about the 10 trips you actually take in your 20s.  Watch closely, particularly right after the JFK airport scene.  It’s totally worth it.


“Head up to Duluth along North Shore Scenic Drive which runs along Lake Superior. It’s Godforsaken country in the best sense of the term. I didn’t know beauty like that existed until I saw it.”

From Road Trips To Take This Summer

Graffiti artist wanted!

Does anyone know any graffiti artist in Duluth that would want to come and paint/tag a couple of set pieces for Duluth Playhouse’s production of Hair? Time line is next week. If so, contact Curtis at [email protected]


I moved to Duluth from St. Paul in 1999. My work allows me to travel all over the world. I’ve been to 31 States in the U.S. and 40 countries around the world. Duluth, I’ve noticed, has an almost unique trait that I can’t seem to figure out. The only other place I’ve seen this is Phnom Penh, Cambodia. I wanted to add a picture but didn’t want to impose on someone’s privacy. The unique trait is the many people that wear pajama bottoms as pants in public. What is with that? I actually find it endearing. Perhaps a sign of lack of vanity, or a sign of self confidence. Perhaps a dash of poverty and lack of pretension? I’m not sure. Can anyone explain the pajama bottoms as public apparel in Duluth thing?

Lost Dog in Lakeside

Found a little lost dog in Lakeside near 52nd Avenue East and Dodge Street this morning. It has a purple collar but no tags. It has an injured right, rear leg and seems like it was out for a while (very hungry and matted, but just had chicken and water!). I will bring her to the Duluth Animal Shelter.

Anyone recommend a person good at installing doors?

We’re looking for someone who can hang two solid oak doors, including cutting out the hole for the handle and notching out for the hinges. We’re looking for someone with experience as with these doors they will definitely have to measure twice and cut once, because there will be no going back if cut wrong.

Where in Duluth?


Lost Dog at Lakeside Super One

Dog lost or abandoned at Lakeside Super One

This dog was lost or abandoned at the Lakeside Super One. I was told he jumped out of a pickup truck and the truck took off. Not sure if they knew the dog had jumped out or if it was intentional. It’s a youngish fixed male, perhaps chocolate lab or chocolate lab pit bull mix. Very very friendly and sweet dog. This happened Sunday morning, June 19.

Google announces Kansas City, Kan., will get first high-speed broadband network

Associated Press | March 30, 2011 – 11:49 AM

KANSAS CITY, Kan. – Search engine Google says it’s planning to bring its high-speed broadband network to Kansas City, Kan.

The company announced Wednesday on its official blog that the city is the first to get the new program. Google says its ultrafast network would be capable of making Internet access more than 100 times faster than the broadband connection in most U.S. homes.

More than 1,100 cities throughout the country made bids to become a test site for the network, which would provide Internet connections of 1 gigabit per second to up to 500,000 people.

Milo Medin, Google’s vice president of access services, said in choosing a city the goal was to find someplace it could build efficiently, make an impact on the community and develop relationships with local government and community organizations.

Does anyone have pictures or stories from when the Ripsaw was housed in the Temple Opera Building?

I rent and work out of Room 208 in the Temple Opera Building. Legend has it that the Ripsaw was once published out of this office. I’d love to see some photos and hear some stories about those days in this space.

And if all of PDD said it, they’d call it a movement … the real cream movement!

I have discovered something wonderful!  Cedar Summit Farm cream.  It’s the real old fashioned deal from a family run sustainable farm near New Prague, Minnesota.  Shake it vigorously and it becomes the most awesome butter.  Whip it good and it becomes the best whipped cream I’ve ever tasted.

Problem is, I have to drive to the Whole Foods Co-Op in Grand Marais to stock up.   Of course, being available in Grand Marais, the delivery truck drives right through Duluth.  Indeed, the Whole Foods Co-Op in Duluth stocks Cedar Summit Farm milk but not the cream.

So, please take my word and join me in emailing, calling or otherwise communicating to the Whole Foods Co-Op in Duluth that they must stock Cedar Summit Farm Cream!  Contact info at

And no, I’m not affiliated with Cedar Summit Farm in any way other than being a Cedar Summit Farm cream devotee!  For more see

They even have happy cows!  Let the movement begin!

Park Point Park cabin?

On the hiking trail at the end of Park Point, there’s an old cabin on the harbor side.  Does anyone know the story behind this cabin?  I read that there used to be several “settlers cabins,” perhaps this is the one remaining settler cabin?  I can also of course speculate about blacklisted Finnish bachelors, but I suspect folk on PDD know the real story.