brautigan Posts

Chili and Shadow Puppetry?! Wha? How?

That is not a typo. If you weren’t in the know about this cosmic to-do, don’t worry. It’s tonight at Harbor City School’s auditorium. The Chili Feed is a fundraiser for something-or-other, and the shadow puppetry is being performed by Harbor City kids guided by (local) master puppeteer Jim Ouray. 5:30- Feed ($5), 6:30- Sleep-themed puppet show (free!).

Monahan Brothers Make it to D.C.!!

Remember back in May!?!?! Well, 3,100 miles later, the old guys made it! This photo was taken at the Lincoln Memorial on Wednesday, where organizers from unfurled a ginormous (20×100 ft.) preamble to the Constitution for people to sign. It was quite a display, both visually and emotionally (I’m pretty proud of my pops). The crowd was receptive and security was … cooperative. Pics from the action made it into USA Today and the Washington Post. Anyway, what a day! If this is inspiring at all, consider signing the motion at If you’re curious, here are the rest of the pics from my epic political activism adventure:

SmugMug: Monahan Brothers in DC 10-2010

Ideas for “Neighborhood Revitalization??”

Three weeks ago, despite countless warnings, I moved into the St. Regis Apartments (up the block from the Kozy). My goal is to be a part of (spearhead?) a revitalization, of sorts. I figure, if something is going to change, I must be an active participant in it (as opposed to ye olde hoping/praying method). The current phase involves increasing the aesthetic through art (murals, etc.). I’m quite curious if anyone has thoughts on this, and most certainly, if anyone would like to get involved. Oh, won’t you please…be my neighbor?

Stolen car stereo! $80 reward! Caution! graphic video on disc!

Not to laugh at other people’s misfortune … but … maybe posting it here will help them get their stereo back?

Stolen car stereo’s last night/this morning – $30 (Duluth)

Yesterday in History

Sorry for the belatedness, but I felt I had to acknowledge the 16th anniversary of the release of Guided By Voices’ Bee Thousand, one of my favorite rock albums of all time. Pitchfork has it at #10 in the Top 100 Albums of the ’90s, a tad low if you ask me. I may be slightly obsessed with GBV, but I think this album has something for just about everyone. “I am a Scientist!”

Move to Amend! Tell a Friend!

My dad and my uncle are walking from sea to shining sea to raise awareness and prompt discussion about the perils of corporate personhood. Their blog is at

To learn more about the amendment that made corporations people, check out (There’s a petition there if anyone wants to get crazy active.)

As with any grassroots effort, every little bit of attention helps. Thanks in advance.

Bob’s Basement Sale 3: The Blowout

My basement + tons of vintage clothes(and knick knacks I’m getting rid of cuz I’m moving this week) + Saturday, 10-4 + fresh-squeezed lemonade + (your snarky comment here)= My final attempt to get people to come buy my cool stuff. Hopefully, persistence pays off.

Bob’s Basement Sale is back, with a vengance

My last sale put the “suck” in success, but like my old JV football coach said: “TENACITY!!”  So, I’m giving it another whirl, and you’re all invited, again. If you were the bearer of one of the myriad excuses which kept the frothy-mouthed masses from clearing out my fabulous stash of vintage dandies (something for everyone!!)(priced to induce guilt-ridden sleep-loss!) last weekend, don’t fret, I still have just about everything left. I even have a leftover keg of pear cider. 7-11pm, 628 N. 10th Ave. E, back door. Music 9-11 by Marc Solo and Sammy Macon

Just an old fashioned basement sale



If you enjoy basements, weird music, beer, vintage clothes, and- most importantly- FUN, then you must come to my sale. Sunday night from 8-11 (serious shoppers should come at 7). After all, EVERYONE will be there. Namely: Ronald McDonald, Jimmy Hoffa, Chuck Norris, Xena, my sister(??), Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake, Sammy Macon, your mom, etc.  628 N. 10th Ave. E.- back door (off of 7th St.)

The Blue Crab is the new Red Lobster

There’s something stirring at The Blue Crab, and it’s NOT the handful of regulars wondering what the hell that awful racket is. The band is called Total Freedom Rock (formerly The Rat Root River Band) and they want to show you what music can be, every Thursday at 10:30! Joining TFR tomorrow night is: Hydro Bliss (playing the Winter Carnival at Lakeview Castle)
If you can’t make it tomorrow, come down next Thursday for a musical experience/experiment that is sure to delight and/or freak out the most disconcerted music lover. New special guests every week! Blue Crab- 1909 W Superior St.