Blacob Posts

Gwen Austin honorable mention in NPR’s Tiny Desk Contest

GwenYes, Duluth musician Gaelynn Lea won NPR’s Tiny Desk Contest, but yesterday NPR posted “10 More Tiny Desk Entries We Loved” featuring the beautiful Gwen Austin.

Austin went to school at UMD and lives in Duluth on and off. Her most recent Duluth project is the trio Bone Harp. So out of more than 6,000 entries Duluth is represented twice in the top 11. Way to go Duluth.


Greetings from Duluth, GA!

This photo is of me last April. I was driving through the Atlanta area on a road trip and had to visit our little colony of the south. It was a strange place. Has any other Duluthian ever been there?

Name Origin of Clough Island

Does anybody know who is the “Clough” behind the name of Clough Island?

Where to buy We Accept the Challenge?

Does anybody know where I can buy a copy of “We Accept the Challenge” either new or used?

Does anybody know of any West Junior High yearbooks?

I’m looking for a yearbook from West Junior High from around the year 1938. I’ve checked DPL and all round the school district. I’m wondering if anybody has one laying around in an attic somewhere.

Calling All Traphagen Nerds!

ZCA_Bio_TraphagenO_001_DPL.jpgSince I am moderately obsessed with local history, I decided start up a project on Duluth architect Oliver Traphagen. While the Internet is great, I am looking for more perspectives on the man as well as some information on his personal life and ideals. If you want to share your knowledge then please contact me: romen021 @

Photo from the “Run, Smelt, Run!” Parade


What happened to the creek at Cascade Park?


When you look at old pictures of Duluth’s Cascade Park there is a creek that runs through it. Whatever happened to it? Why did people change it?

Looking for Duluth Insight

I’m a new student at UMD and I have been in Duluth for almost a month now. I have been to Canal Park, downtown, Enger Tower, and other well-known places, but that’s kind of it. Other than what I’ve observed from points of interests and basic knowledge from Wikipedia, I really don’t know much about the city. So I was wondering if there was a person(s) out there that I could just chat with to learn about Duluth’s politics, culture, accomplishments, struggles, people, places, history, future, or whatever I should know. Ultimately I am just trying to get an insider’s perspective of Duluth beyond UMD. If you would want to chat sometime or could refer me to somebody just send me an email, so we can hopefully set something up.([email protected]) Thanks!