Cartoon Art Show at Bohemia Arts, Friday, Sept. 4, 5-8 pm. Musical Guest: Total Freedom Rock

“The Cartoonist and the Kid” featuring cartoons by father-daughter combo, Jim Richardson (40) and Violet Richardson (11).

This show documents the cartoons I did during the Ripsaw years about my child when she was between the ages of 2 and 4. There are a couple of our collaborations on display from when she was 5. The show ends up by displaying her solo work from the past two years (with a new feature “Spike and Slurp” not seen at last year’s show).

Musical guests Total Freedom Rock will do a set at 6:30.

Refreshments will be served.


Jim Richardson

about 15 years ago

Kindly tell your friends as I failed to get this event into the Transistor in time. Thanks all. Looking forward to it.


about 15 years ago

I remember the one about trying to explain the concept of different languages: "Whaddya think about that?" "I need a tissue for my booger."
Whenever I explain something to kids I finish off with, "Whaddya think about that??" It always gets a laugh.

Jim Richardson

about 15 years ago

Thanks for the feedback - That cartoon is in the show and prints will be available too.

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

Bohemia Arts, by the way, is at 22 N. First Ave. W. in Duluth's mighty Downtown -- in case anyone is unaware.


about 15 years ago

I forgot about this.  Sorry I missed it, would have loved to have brought my girlies.

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

It was fun. I brought my girlies.


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