Anti-Government Rally Today!

HortonChuck Horton is rallying the troops to the steps of City Hall to protest corruption in city government and to demand the resignations of a couple of city councilors. To make this my perfect Duluth day, I’d like to see some counter-protesters holding up signs with snappy slogans, like “Hey Horton, Get a Job!” or “Taxes = Anarchy.” I’m sure you guys get the idea. If you are too busy to counter-protest, at least share your pithy placard pronouncements on Perfect Duluth Day!


Tim K

about 15 years ago

Word to the wise: Chuck has been known to poke people in the chest while yelling two inches from their face if he disagrees with them. Oh yeah, and spittle runs out the sides of his mouth.


about 15 years ago

Who is this guy? He seems to have very easily fallen for right-wing nonsense. Are you sure he can organize anything?


about 15 years ago

Yes, he can organize things (Horton's Gym), and it helps that he is friends with Brad Bennett, not to mention his wife. No, he didn't simply "fall" for right-wing nonsense. He seems to have actually put some thought into it. I frankly don't understand his vendetta against Tony Cuneo. If he attacked everyone in Duluth that owed back taxes (including the conservatives) rather than simply the few who actually try to help their community and serve the public, I may have a bit more sympathy for him. Nonetheless, perhaps his little protest will put a greater focus on the upcoming city council election which in my opinion isn't such a bad thing.


about 15 years ago

Tim, did Mr. Horton give you a sky hook wedgie in middle school or what? Sounds like maybe you have a little hatin' going on yourself.


about 15 years ago

Wait ... whatever happened to the July 4th Tea Parties?


about 15 years ago

Just saw the "protest" on DNTV. Pretty lame. Horton tries to blame the progressives on the Duluth City Council for property tax hikes when anyone who pays attention would know that such a regressive tax hike was the result of our Republican Governor. Horton ain't too bright.

Tim K

about 15 years ago

Forty people showed up. Wow. I think there was an anti-war rally on the same steps with below zero temps that had three times that many people. And a side note to Al -- your post reminds me a little of the guy on a music blog I used to frequent. He was complaining about "black music" and using the n-word a lot. I called him on his racist comments and he shot back that I was actually the intolerant one because I wasn't supporting his statements. Horton is a hater. Ask Greg Gilbert about Horton's outstanding personal communication skills.

Danny G

about 15 years ago

Compared to the exactly 3 people who showed up for the counter-protest. Not that I care either way since I spent 45 minutes down there making fun of the whole affair for Danny Does Duluth.


about 15 years ago

Danny: If you don't care either way, why post? For that matter, why produce a podcast? If your only purpose is to make fun of anything and everything regardless of whether it is remotely comical, what exactly is the point?


about 15 years ago

I think the point is to make comedy...?

eco eco

about 15 years ago

If 10 more people had appeared, I might have thought it was a movement.


about 15 years ago

how about 50 people...could you imagine FIFTY people?


about 15 years ago

and what if Horton and Bennet were the only two to protest, in harmony...

eco eco

about 15 years ago

I wouldn't take either one of them.


about 15 years ago

Horton and Bennett in four part harmony...*and* feelin...


about 15 years ago

Personally, I'm waiting for the chorus to come around again.


about 15 years ago

Does anybody actually think that our current government at any level is looking out for the average citizen? It seems that most politicians only care about getting re-elected to make government bigger. I have an about less politicians and less government.President Erkle in six months has trashed our constitutional rights and if we don't start asking more questions, will have control of all aspects of our lives. How's that Change working out for all who voted him in there??? Thank god someone is starting to hold rally questioning what is going on.


about 15 years ago

"President Erkle in six months has trashed our constitutional rights"? Please do explain because I seem to have missed how trying to save the economy, improve the environment and offer health care to the public violate any of our constitutional rights.

Tim K

about 15 years ago

O.G.Duluthian is a troll of the right-wing nut job variety that spends most of his time fanning the flames in the DNT comment section. He doesn't need to "explain" anything. He wouldn't know an actual fact if it hit him in the head! There also seems to be no sense of history with these people. Where were you when the conservative Gary Doty told the progressives in this town to fuck off and move if they don't like it here. Where were you when Brad Bennett stole a school district vehicle, caused a car accident and harassed the victim? Or the time he referred to Harbor Housing residents as "porch monkeys" on his radio show? There is a reason that the conservatives in this town are losing ground. Look at who your "leaders" are!


about 15 years ago

taxes are for little people to pay
ethics are for little people to heed

How DARE Mr. Horton voice his displeasure at that double standard!  How bold and selfless of Mr. Kaiser to put him in his place.

Move along, citizens, nothing to see here.


about 15 years ago

look at who their leaders are everywhere. i can't wait til Sarah Palin turns out to be their best candidate for president. ho ho hee hee.


about 15 years ago

i wonder if Horton has ever neglected to pay his rent?

Burlenheimer Burlesque

about 15 years ago

God it's painful to watch you people compartmentalize stimulus into the banal binarys of the American political narrative as manifested in the network you (wrongly) believe to be a Self, or worse, a Mind.

"President Erkle in six months has trashed our constitutional rights"? Please do explain because I seem to have missed how trying to save the economy, improve the environment and offer health care to the public violate any of our constitutional rights."

Um, dude? Everything you know is wrong. Sorry. 

And this: 

"If your only purpose is to make fun of anything and everything regardless of whether it is remotely comical, what exactly is the point?"

This is what YOU should be doing. Really. 

In conclusion, the color of the shirt you wore today will produce a vastly greater effect on the universe than ANY of this glibberish (that's my latest neologism, damn its dope!). Seriously.
Long live Danny, or whatever his name is. 
And Russ Stewart.
Oh, and Nietzsche too.

Danny G

about 15 years ago

Bot more importantly, it's "Urkel".  Not "Erkle".

Tim K

about 15 years ago

O.G.- sorry for the incorrect grouping- I mistook your handle for someone else. The conservatives have done more damage to your rights than the libs. But, at our current pace of noise and stupidity, this planet ain't going to be around long enough for much of this to matter. And that might just be the last word.....


about 15 years ago

I actually vote for President Urkle, Kerry, and even Gore. But enough is enough. My 2012 will be for who ever runs against Urkle on the Dems ticket, so please do not group me in with the Right Wingers.

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