Nerd Culture Update

A few Nerd/Geek Culture updates…

1. Game Night at Collector’s Connection continues like gangbusters whenever Bill B. is able to lead us. Thanks to R., C., J., K., A., and B. for joining Bill, Kate and me for three rousing rounds of Marriage Material.

Video about the Game:

This game is particularly fun because six of us were in couples of varying stages of relationship — early dating to longtime married with children — and this affects how players resonate with the game.

The next game session will be on Friday, the first Friday in April, that is, with a Star Trek board game. Join us! No purchase necessary. Just sit around the table and enjoy Bill’s tutelage, the joy of the game, and the pleasure of each other’s company.

2. Nerd Nite continues to draw full or nearly full houses in Duluth at Teatro Zuccone. And even I learned what the secret value of the new generation of My Little Ponies is at the March meeting, last Tuesday.

Apparently, the way old Warner Bros. cartoons were double-coded with pop culture allusions, My Little Pony is also double-coded.

For example, see this Star Wars double-coding:

The next Nerd Nite will be in April — I don’t know when.

I’m on the hunt for the rare and valuable Nerd Nite Magazine #1. If you have an extra copy, send me a note.

3. I’m not sure it’s Geek Culture, but Collector’s is also hosting a pinball tournament.

4. Now, will no one see John Carter, Warlord of Mars with me?
UPDATE: I saw it, it rocked, and you should see it, too. I want a sequel.


the Jer

about 13 years ago

I've got a copy of Nerd Nite #1 for you. Remind me.

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

The 10-page spread on "Jumpsuits! The garment of tomorrow, today" is what really pulls the magazine together.

about 13 years ago

Wasn't that a PDD post two or three years ago, Paul?

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

Now that you mention it, there was this and this. But Nerd Nite magazine has the definitive piece on the subject.

[email protected]

about 13 years ago

Paul, why does the posting keep eating the YouTube video embed code?

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

I don't know what code you put in, but here's what it looks like in the admin:


There seems to be no code there. 

The brief tutorial: If it's a YouTube video, all you need to do is paste the URL and it should embed itself in a post just fine. (In a comment that method won't work right, though. Or it works too well -- the video shows up twice, like below. So paste an embed code when posting videos to comments, and change the width to less than 390 pixels so it fits.)

Getting nerdier and nerdier with every comment.


about 13 years ago

What? Who? What exactly is happening in this post?

[email protected]

about 13 years ago

Got it.  I was posting the YouTube embed code into the main post -- an unneccesary detail, I guess -- the URL does it.

Barrett Chase

about 13 years ago

The "code" HTML tag is used to display code, as in "this is what the code looks like." In other words, you're telling the browser to literally display the code instead of outputting what the code does.

[email protected]

about 13 years ago


Unless you paste the YouTube embedded video code, which I pasted twice into this post (once before the code tags, once between the code tags) and yet they are nowhere to be seen.

All cool, though. Paul's advice got me what I needed. My other blog is in Drupal and works away differently.

Barrett Chase

about 13 years ago

I think you're misreading my comment, or else I'm not being clear. The point is that you shouldn't use the "code" tag at all, unless you want your post to show the actual code, and not the video itself.

EDIT: I see what you're saying. The code did nothing, including display as code. The best explanation I have is that Wordpress does a lot of things automatically, trying to guess your intentions (a good example is how even though I write the word "Wordpress" with a lowercase P, it displays with an uppercase P). When things don't make sense, it sometimes simply omits what doesn't make sense.


about 13 years ago

OMG!!! WHEN'S THE PINBALL TOURNAMENT? The 10 year old still in me is jumping up in down.


about 13 years ago

This jumpsuit has a name.



about 13 years ago

Collector's Connection pinball tournament closed yesterday, but they have monthly tournaments.

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