Ashland Advice

I’m looking to spend a weekend in Ashland. This is what I know to do so far:

1. Stare at the beautiful bay.

2. Shop the best magazine selection for 150 miles, at BookWorld (how do they manage to trounce Barnes and Noble?)

3. Shop at Fun & Games in Ashland

4. Eat one dinner — pizza buffet? other suggestions? at the South Shore Brewery.

5. Grab a cup of coffee at Black Cat.

What else am I missing? What treasures remain for me in Ashland?



about 13 years ago

Ashland Bakery, across the street from the Black Cat, makes better bread then anywhere in Duluth.

There is, now, a lot of cool mural art to check out around downtown. 

West end of town is Prentice Park, you might see swans there, also bring your water jugs. Artesian water flows out of the ground and the put in a pipe for people to fill jugs from (right side of bridge as you head down towards the estuary viewing area from the parking lot. It's gooood water.

Gabriel Amadeus

about 13 years ago

Walk to the end of that loading pier you see there.


about 13 years ago

And the Black Cat rawks the 'Kef ... both are owned by a really cool lady.


about 13 years ago

(The bakery and the Black Cat, that is.)

Bad Cat!

about 13 years ago

Deepwater Grill is awesome.


about 13 years ago

I would hit up Prentice park also if you like parks.  

The El Dorado or something like that has pretty solid Mexican food.  It's to the right on Highway 2 when you come in.  Come to think of it, Prentice park and and El Dorado (or whatever) are right by each other. 

I would hit one of the three main Pizza places: Hugo's, Pizza Pub, and Frankie's (all started by the same family, I think.)

I always hit the artesian well at the beach that is by Prentice Park and El Dorado's (Pretty sure that's the place) and stock up on the best water in the area.  Is it Meyer's beach? Can't remember.  

Depends on if you are talking Ashland or Ashland Area.  Houghtoun Falls was just opened to the public and it is a very pretty but quick hike.  It is on the outskirts of Washburn on the far side of the town.  

I will see if I can't think of anything else to come up with and will post it here if I do.


about 13 years ago

It's not in Ashland, but oh-so-close, the used book store in Washburn, Chequamegon Books.

Also +1 for Ashland Baking Co. If only we could have such a thing in Duluth.


about 13 years ago

There's also one of the finest disc golf complexes in the country just outside town.

MK Bates

about 13 years ago

Do not miss the 2nd St. Bistro and The Platter! I suggest 2nd St. for lunch and the Platter for cocktails and dinner. Also check out Prentice Park, next to the Platter. And Mazlowski Beach, (formerly Sand Bar), the best city beach on the North Coast of Wisconsin.

Displaced Wisconsinite

about 13 years ago

I have always said that the best thing about Ashland is the view of Washburn across the bay.  I would definitely head over to Washburn (just north on HWY 13) and check out what that little town has to offer.  Coco's bakery rocks for breakfast, lunch and fine bakery (chocolate hedgehogs and cinnamon rolls that will change your life), Chequamegon Books: the best BAR NONE bookstore in the tri-state northern region, Karlyn's Gallery for locally created art and pottery, Memorial and West End parks on either side of town directly on the big lake, Houghton Falls trail north of town, the walking trail along the lake, DaLou's Bistro for wood fired pizza and kick ass gelato, Patsy's for a beer or 3 (you are in Wisconsin!), Leino's gas station for unleaded or gluten free snack products, North Coast Coffee for a shot of espresso....I could go on.  

But, if you are going to limit yourself to Ashland, the Whole Wheat Triangle area of Chapple Ave. that houses the Black Cat Coffeehouse, Ashland Baking Co. and the Chequamegon Food Co-op is definitely the place to start.  



about 13 years ago

Well duh.....ABC Raceway on Saturday night. Get your fix of methanol and race gas fumes. Sometimes you PDD types just miss the totally obvious.


about 13 years ago

Ashland is a great town.  It's Bayfield w/o the snob appeal.  The BlackCat is a must as is the Ashland Baking Co.  The bakery has divine products that are different than any in our area.  The Bistro is good I hear as is the Deepwater grill on "west" Main St.  It's the home of the South Shore Brewery and its food is good.


about 13 years ago

1. We've got a great movie theater downtown - it's in a historic building (with a recently refurbished marquee), the prices at the concession stand are wicked cheap, and if you're lucky enough to see a flick in Bay 1, you can take in all the crazy murals along the walls before they dim the lights.  ( 

2. If you're going for pizza in Ashland, skip the buffet at The Alley/Deep Water and go to Hugos, Frankies or the Pizza Pub instead.  The stuff at The Alley is fine, but the other three places are much more distinctively "Ashland." 

3. Prentice Park is great, but I think the swans flew (or swam?) the coop a few years ago (the ones that were there weren't a native species, my birding friend informs me). There might be some migratory swans passing through in the spring & fall, though.  (There are still lots of ducks & other waterfowl swimming around, too.) 

3. Go for a walk along the lakefront walking trail.  It runs from the western edge of town (by Prentice Park and the artesian well people have mentioned) all the way down past Pamida on the eastern side, with plenty of parks and green space along the way. Plus, you can make a detour up to Main Street through the recently-completed plaza and tunnel next to the coal dock if you want to stop for an ice cream break at the Golden Glow.


about 13 years ago

5. Alas, the days of freely walking out on the Oredock have passed, but you can still get fairly close to it by walking the shoreline trails beside it (and you can peek through a hole in the big metal barricade to see what you're missing). 

6. The Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center (on the western edge of town, just west of the Hwy 2/Hwy 13 intersection) has some cool displays about the history of the area (geological and cultural), plus some walking trails and a lot of interpretive events throughout each month. (

7. All the good things people have written about the Ashland Baking Company are true! If you get there early enough in the summer, you might be lucky enough to snag one of their fresh fruit danishes, which are DELICIOUS.


about 13 years ago

I was wondering when our girl in Ashland would chime in.

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