Pączki Day (and Ash Wednesday) in Duluth

Hello from a former Catholic who misses life in Milwaukee, where Pączki Day was a thing. Ash Wednesday was a day when you could walk the streets and see your tribe, and Duluth seems to have none of that. Maybe I walk the wrong streets.

In Milwaukee, thousands of donuts are sold at just one bakery on just one day.

Shout out to Super One, which offers a fairly standard array of donut fillings in what I think of as “almost Pączki” — without the prune filling, the rosehip filling, these donuts are just … still, really yummy donuts.

Still, in the same way that Lake Superior is a substitute for Lake Michigan, in some ways, in my heart, so too can these donuts be substitutes here.

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about 10 months ago

And sadly, Duluth does even less on Dingus Day!
Sometimes I miss Buffalo........

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