Duluth’s bowery was already historic in 1907

Previous posts on Perfect Duluth Day have explored the history of the Fifth Avenue West corridor. Urban renewal in the 1960s attempted to “clean up” blighted areas of town. A recent research dive revealed that the bowery was already targeted for “renewal” as early as 1907.

“End of once notorious section is in sight” proclaimed one of the sub-headlines. That part of town has had many ups and downs over the years.

Read all about it in the Duluth Evening Herald, Aug. 10, 1907: “The Passing of Duluth’s Historic Bowery.”

Images from the article are below.

1 Comment

Matthew James

about 3 months ago

The more things change, the more they stay the same. The quality of the scan in the PDF link is pretty impressive. Some good stuff in there.

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