Lake Superior Writers 2023 writing contest winners announced

Lake Superior Writers has announced the winners of its 2023 writing contest. There were nearly 200 entries focused on this year’s theme of “Connections.” First place winners in each category received $200 and their works can be read online at

Winners and honorable mentions are:

• Winner: Gary Boelhower, “Hush”
• Runner-up: Tina Higgins Wussow, “Trying”

Short Fiction
• First Place: Jeffrey Masuda, “Warpath”
• Runner-up: Victoria Lynn Smith, “Letters in the Pocket”

Short Short Fiction
• First Place: Alicia Peterson, “Evasive Creatures”
• Runner-up: Charmaine Donovan, “Nobody Wants a Letter About War”

Creative Nonfiction
• First Place: Lin Salisbury, “Geology Rock Stars”
• Runner-up: Melissa Auburn, “The Breath”

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