Secretary Oberstar?

From Star Tribune/Hot Dish Politics:

[T]he president called at breakfast Wednesday morning … Staffers who were gathered with Oberstar at the Duluth Holiday Inn heard Oberstar tell Obama, “Mr. President, I want you to know that while my service in Congress has ended, my commitment to public service has not, and I’m ready to assist your administration in any way.”

To which, the president reportedly replied, “Let’s let the dust settle and talk again.”



about 14 years ago

There's something very "Thanks, but no thanks" about Barry's reply.


about 14 years ago

Notice Oberstar's PR machine released a picture of him in a "fit and young" pose with a bike and being athletic. I so glad Chip won.  I believe in term limits that one person should not serve in Congress forever like he did. Change is good. Even in Minnesota.


about 14 years ago

In as much as I understand the sentiment about someone having been in the job too long, Craavack is a terrible replacement. His positions on issues are not the panacea some are hoping for -- if you elect people who think that government doesn't work, don't be surprised when that's what they deliver.


about 14 years ago

Sorry Tim, the majority in District 8 believe you to be wrong. Evidently, so does Mr. President. Mr. Oberstar would do himself a favor if he rested his weary bones in his French villa, or his Washington mansion.


about 14 years ago

The Supreme Court said Corporations are people and can make unlimited anonymous donations. What we saw on Tue. was the upshot of that. Chip didn't win based on any grand scheme he has to save use from ourself or our government. He won based on huge amounts of outside money coming into our state combined with a bunch of buzz words and catch phrases that sound good but are devoid of much or any real meaning. Funny how you can get people to say we need smaller government but until elected you really can't get them to commit to who's ox they plan on goring.


about 14 years ago

Am I the only one who saw the picture (an old guy and what appears to be the word "LEMON" on his bike) and immediately thought of the infamous lemon party pic?


about 14 years ago

Funny little cartoon


about 14 years ago

LOL Danny!  Good eye!  Didn't even notice that.


about 14 years ago

Gawd, the tools.


about 14 years ago

Note:  This was not an Oberstar release, it is a picture I shamelessly cribbed from a biking organization, click the pink to read their blog about him.  

Thanks Danny for actually responding to the question I posed.  I think you might be the only one.


about 14 years ago

"Sorry Tim, the majority in District 8 believe you to be wrong."

@Jim.  Please get a dictionary.  A plurality is not a majority.

Thank you in advance for your attention.


The English language


about 14 years ago

Gosh what an awkward photo of Oberstar...  I feel more uncomfortable every time I look at it.


about 14 years ago

To quote W.T.F.

"He won based on huge amounts of outside money coming into our state combined with a bunch of buzz words and catch phrases that sound good but are devoid of much or any real meaning."

Oberstar pulled just as much money from outside the district.  Cravaack raised far more money from people within the 8th district than Oberstar.


about 14 years ago

True that.  Check out some of Oberstar's biggest contributors: HNTB Holdings, Livingston Group, Centra Inc., Carnival Corp., Jacobs Engineering Corp, etc. 

Top 20 Contributors
Representative James L. Oberstar 2009 - 2010

Corporations clearly haven't forgotten about the Democrats.


about 14 years ago

Okay, wait. Washington mansion? I went to a right-wing site and they give a google maps link to what appears to be a condo, certainly not a mansion. 

French villa? really? Gimme some facts, or I'm calling "faen til deg."


about 14 years ago

HBH, I am certainly an Oberstar booster even though I had my differences over the years with him, however, he really is a wealthy man. I don't know about villas and mansions, but Minnesota Independent says:  Oberstar richest among Minnesota Congress members.   Make that "former" congress members in his case.  

Now, back to what I was looking for rather than simply a rehash of the congressional race: Could you PDD brain-trust members please share what you think about Oberstar becoming Secretary of Transportation?  How likely is it? What would that mean for Duluth and our region?  What would it mean for his various pet projects such as Northern Lights Express?  Does a DOT cabinet for Oberstar cancel out the effect of the Craavack win?  I know lots of questions, but my inquiring mind wants your thoughtful input.


about 14 years ago

I think whether or not Jim Oberstar is a wealthy man and whether or not he owns a villa in France is irrelevant. But, in answer to your question, JP, he's 76 years old. On one hand, I'd hope he'd take a break and just rest on his laurels in the twilight of his life. On the other hand, we have Congressman "No Soup for You!" Crack, who basically told the DNT that he's going to focus on the needs of the southern part of his district, and the northern part of the district is SOL. So, it would be great if Oberstar was named Secretary of Transportation, so things like a new airport terminal and the NLX would have a fighting chance.


about 14 years ago

The really sad result of Oberstar loss is there goes Donny's shot at taking that seat. Donny will never get there if he isn't stepping in as Jim was leaving on his own terms. Maybe Donny can manage the NorShor.


about 14 years ago

OGDuluthian, maybe Mayor Ness would rather be big fish in small pond and enjoy his children's childhoods rather than be infinitesimally small fish in ocean. Don's not the only viable candidate out there to take back the seat in two years.


about 14 years ago

wildgoose:  Am I still the only one addressing the topic?  Just wondering.


about 14 years ago

@ Danny, you're my boy.  Thanks to Claire and OG for piping in with some perspective on this, too.  I think it could be fascinating if it happens.  As for the "thanks but no thanks" take on Uncle Barry's comment, I had not thought of that, I took it as, let' give Ray LaH some time to quit first so ... interesting perspective, Danny.


about 14 years ago

Yup, H1N1, my mistake for using the term mansion. It's more like a duplex, valued at $1,193,050.00
Total land value: $550,000
Base area of building: 4,054 square feet
Number of stories: 2
Year property was built: 1993

His wife owns a consulting firm that contracts with airports. She has been the recipent of numerous federal grants for her business. (Hmmm...) Some large contributers to his canpaign are the Air Line Pilots Association, Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association, FAA Managers Association, Machinists & Aerospace Workers Union, and Professional Airways Systems Specialists. 

According to one of his cam-painers, his French home is near Germany in the Northern reaches near Basse-Ham. Private ownership in France is very expensive, so no speculation on its value other than I'm sure it's just a spartan little bungalow. Feel free to google (or should I say ogle) away.
1 r Chapelle Haute Ham 57970 BASSE HAM 

Don't forget about his real home in Chisholm. Remember, you can't be a member of Congress if your principle place of residence isn't in your district!

With so many properties to maintain, where does he find the time to politic? Maybe that's why Mr. President is hesitant...


about 14 years ago

Democrats are the only politicians to ever profit from their positions. No Republican has ever gained personal profit from their position in public office. Republican lawmakers have never taken a dime from outside interests. No Republicans own large manses outside their governing district. Cravaack will be totally immune from the allure of the financial bribery of lobbyists. A common duplex in DC doesn't cost about a million dollars. No one should gain a nice vacation home in Europe after 50 years of labor. It's bizarre that the long-term head of the House Transportation Committee should have support from multiple transportation-related associations and unions. Shall I continue?


about 14 years ago

Jim, why don't you stop trying to find scandal where there is none?  Where's the Congressman supposed to live? In a cardboard box? And calling what is obviously a condo a "mansion" has totally undermined whatever shreds of credibility you might have had.

Why don't we talk about our new Congressman CC living in what really is a Twin Cities outer ring suburb on the edge of his district? Why aren't you -- because such matters are clearly important to you and your friends -- talking about the fact that the guy moved to Minnesota only 7 years ago? 

We residents of the northern part of the 8th district are so screwed until Congressman "No Soup for You!" is voted out in two years.

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

Or, both Claire and Jim could stop being petty.


about 14 years ago

Claire hasn't really been petty in this discussion. Jim on the other hand, is just showing himself to be a sore-winner.


about 14 years ago

You're right Tim, stating that someone doesn't live far enough in a district for their liking isn't petty -- just plain moronic.


about 14 years ago

Like I said, sore-winner.


about 14 years ago

Paul, I apologize for not being as clever as Vicaramazed.His/her comment truly is inspired.

And, Jim, you missed my point, which is that CC does not understand the needs and wants of our region, because he doesn't live in northern Minnesota. He lives in a TC outer ring suburb, which is a vastly different world than our region. He doesn't support the new airport terminal at DLH, b/c he doesn't care to educate himself on the importance of updating an airport that serves a great number of people. He doesn't support NLX b/c he doesn't care to educate himself on what it would mean to our region's economy to have a steady stream of people traveling between our region and the Twin Cities.

It's just a different world and he cannot relate to us. It does tell me a lot, that the CC poll watchers I met were all from the Twin Cities/outer suburbs.


about 14 years ago

This whole "vastly different world" argument is right on the money.  When I go to visit my in-laws in Andover we often travel through Isanti and I am amazed at how much of a "vastly different world" it is there from our own up here in Northern MN.  The only illustration I can come up with is the film "Who framed Roger Rabbit."  There is a scene near the end of that movie that is exactly like my travels into the Isanti/North Branch area.  Just watch Roger Rabbit and pay close attention to the scene where Eddie travels into the tunnel that takes him into Toon Town.  Just like us compared to down south in those Minneapolis suburbs, it's a vastly different world.

And for those who didn't get it, yeah.  The "vastly different world" argument is just plain stupid.  Now, can someone, anyone else please post something on here that is actually related to the topic at-hand?  I'm starting to feel like my reputation of an online d-bag is being ruined by having the only comment related to the initial post.

Shannon Sweeney

about 14 years ago

For the record... Jean came to her marriage to Jim with her own holdings, and as such should not be criticized for them.   She is a wonderful lady who supports her husband's public service dream.  Get off her back and his.


about 14 years ago

Ahh..don't worry man... you'll never shake your reputation as an online d-bag.


about 14 years ago

As a former Duluth resident who now lives in Republican dominated Idaho, I definitely was saddened to hear of Jim Oberstar's loss.  I hope the short sighted GOP perspectives on education, public service, environmental protection, etc. don't come to pass in northeastern Minnesota like they have here in Idaho.  You've lost a very strong advocate for NE Minnesota with Oberstar's defeat.  I think the "Tea Party" bandwagon will fail miserably because people just don't seem to want to work together anymore.  They prefer to just throw darts at anyone who doesn't agree with them, but fail to offer any viable alternatives.


about 14 years ago

You sully my reputation, sir. I smite you...

And to the rest of you, I love how you have already determined that Mr. Cravaack doesn't understand us Northern folk. That's the attitude that got Mr. Oberstar voted out to begin with. Where do you want to draw the line? Where does it end and where does it begin? When you draw it to your liking, will those on the lunatic fringe then feel as though they are being misrepresented? Please, stop. You do not speak for everyone. There are lots of people who don't want to waste money on a train, or spend outrageous amounts of money putting in bike racks at the Duluth airport. You can continue your name calling and condescending remarks, but it will continue to serve no purpose other than self supporting your own ideology, which proved again to be in the minority.

year of glad

about 14 years ago

At the  very least, I feel our rep. should be a long-time resident of Minnesota, and Cravaack isn't. How could we be accurately represented otherwise?

I guess we'll just see.


about 14 years ago

Jim, when a newly-elected Congressman says about DLH -- a major airport in northern Minny, I know people who drive in from all over the region to fly out of DLH -- that the terminal expansion is not a high priority to him and claims some people working at DLH don't support it, well, yeah, then I'm going to think CC is out of touch. Have you been to DLH lately? The renovation has begun and to stop it now would be incredibly short-sighted.

I predict in a few months CC will be supporting the airport renovations and maybe even NLX too, once the Duluth Chamber sinks their talons into him.

In the meantime, no matter how much you CC apologists rant and rave and insult my intelligence, I am going to maintain my position that the man is a carpetbagger who doesn't understand the northern part of his district and may not care to.


about 14 years ago

For the record, CC did not claim that some people working at DLH don't support the expansion.  He claimed that they don't understand why it's being done.  There's a difference.

I actually have been to DLH recently (less than two weeks ago).  Yeah.  I don't see how stopping the project would be short-sighted.  I would like a detailed explanation with specifics showing what has been done thus far would be short-sighted exactly.  I'm also a bit confused myself as to how the expansion of the airport would exactly cause more flights to come in.  As a (basically) 35-year Duluthian who has taken countless flights in and out of DLH I have never, ever seen more than one of the three gates used at the same time.


about 14 years ago

Actual sidewalk chalk seen at UMD today:


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