Makwa Ziibiins Miikana: Bear Creek Trail to Wisconsin Point

Last week Bear Creek Trail in Superior opened to hikers, bikers and snowshoers. It’s a 2.25-mile crushed-concrete pathway connecting the Osaugie Trail at Bear Creek Park to Wisconsin Point Road. An extension is in the planning stages that will create an additional trail on the other side of Wisconsin Point Road to parking lot #1. But what is already built is excellent.

Generally, when a new trail is built there’s a sense that it’s long overdue, but this one seems like its in a spot few people would have imagined a trail. It’s moist terrain, which creates the need for many timber crossings. How many precisely? The answer is 34.

Of the crossings, 18 are full-on bridges and the other 16 are short platform boardwalks.

It’s the perfect trail for debating the difference between a swamp, bog, marsh and fen … but for the most part it sticks to the highlands. The result is a sensational trail near Allouez Bay, perfect for walkers gazing at birds or bicyclists seeking to avoid Moccasin Mike Road.

One more piece of lumberwork involved is a bench near the midway point of the hike. It takes about an hour to get from one end of the trail to the other — or a two-hour round trip — for those who lollygag, gawk at nature, sit for a while on the bench or otherwise goof off. It’s possible to complete the trail a lot faster than that, if you are some kind of maniac who is in a hurry.

Above is where the trail meets Wisconsin Point Road, about 3,000 feet from the first parking lot near the stretch of beach.


Dave Sorensen

about 4 years ago

Sounds like they built a bridge across that creek since I was there last. That's great.

Paul Lundgren

about 3 years ago

One year later update: As of November 2021 numbers were added to the timber crossings and the trail extension on the other side of Moccasin Mike Road was partially completed.

There is a long walkway built over a marsh.

A fence closes off the end of the built segment and the start of the work-in-progress area.

Mark Nicklawske

about 4 months ago

The trail is now complete! Hikers and bikers can now travel from the Osaugie Trail at the Bear Creek Park trailhead (near Highway 53) to Parking Lot #1 on Lake Superior. A new gazebo now sits atop the capped solid waste landfill located on the trail east of Parking Lot #1. Beautiful view!

Mark Nicklawske

about 4 months ago

A great view from the gazebo!

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