Most natural surface trails in Duluth now open

Woohoo! The city has opened most of its natural surface trails. Now we all get to figure out the dance required to stay six feet apart when meeting someone on those narrow trails.

I must say that many people (mostly runners) still have not figured out how to do social distancing on much wider trails, such as the Lakewalk. The main problem there seems to be when people approach each other from opposite directions. Both parties may be doing the right thing — staying as far to the right as possible, then a runner will come along and run right between them, with not even close to six feet of distance between anybody, and huffing and puffing their droplets all over the place. Not once, when a runner must choose between not breaking his or her stride, or breaking stride in order to stay six feet apart, have I seen a runner choose to stay six feet apart. Not once.

Walking two-abreast on the Lakewalk also leaves less than six feet of distance between people when meeting someone coming the other way. I know this pandemic business is new to all of us, but we really should figure this out, as daily COVID-19 deaths are forecast to double by June 1. But at least our beloved natural surface trails are (mostly) open!



about 4 years ago

Fear or joy. It’s your choice, really. All yours. 

Start with Charles Eisenstein's "The Coronation."

Helmut Flaag

about 4 years ago

Humanity needed a big F'N time out. And Mother Nature, she aims to please...

Dave Sorensen

about 4 years ago

From the Eisenstein essay referred to in the above comment:

"I'm not telling you ... that we as a society should abruptly shift our response, cease social distancing immediately."

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