Upset Duluth: The Ultimate Gallery

Young and old, rich and poor, Minnesota nice be damned, Duluthians can get just as upset as folks in the rest of the world. And their newspaper of record, the Duluth News Tribune, is there to document all the crossed arms and frowny faces.

Perfect Duluth Day began collecting “Upset Duluth” photos in 2010, and throughout the years the posts have accumulated under the Upset Duluth subject tag. Now they’ve been gathered into a gallery, for optimal browsing.

The people in the photos below are not all truly upset, some of them just happen to look upset. There’s even one spoof, where the subjects were inspired by Perfect Duluth Day’s “Upset Duluth” features and acted upset for the DNT photographer.






1 Comment


about 6 years ago

Beautifully curated, Paul.

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