Eldes Corner Spring in Midway Township

eldes-corner-springAbout 11 miles outside Duluth at the junction of Midway Road and Old Highway 61 is the Eldes Corner Spring, a rundown white building with two free-flowing spigots on the exterior.

Also known as the “Midway Artesian Well” or “Eldes Well House,” it is a public well, owned and maintained by the township, channeled by pipes from four aquifers. That’s about the extent of info a quick internet search brings up. Who knows more? When was it built? Share your knowledge.



about 8 years ago

I have made the pilgrimage to obtain this water for brewing with excellent results.


about 8 years ago

A hidden watering hole. 
I agree that the water tastes great even if the location seems a bit odd.

Jane Miletich

about 7 years ago

Well was drilled in the 1940s by  Eli (Ilija) Miletich and one of his sons. Eli was a local well driller and Yugoslav immigrant.


about 2 years ago

Hi- Is their any more history about this location? Did Eli M. live at this location then donate the land to the public?  Its a cool place and I know a lot of people that go there to get water.

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