You Don’t Count: Civic Engagement at UMD

The Office of Civic Engagement & MPIRG invite you to this free panel discussion!  Topics to be discussed include the 2010 census and the implications it has for our university, community and state as well as current trends in engagement at UMD.  Mark Ritchie, Minnesota Secretary of State will be giving an opening statement.  Director of the Office of Civic Engagement Michelle Hargrave will be moderating the panel.

What: You Don’t Count: Civic Engagement at UMD
When: Thursday, April 1   4-5:30pm
Where: UMD Kirby Student Center Lounge

Dan Hartman (Duluth City Councilor at Large)
Justin Hauschild (MPIRG UMD Co-Chair)
Daniel Fanning (Regional Representative to Senator Franken)
John Schwetman (Assistant Professor, UMD English Dept.)
Diane Tran (Project Manager at Grassroots Solutions)

The panel will be roughly an hour with a question and answer session immediately after.

Link to the event poster on the OCE website:

You Don’t Count Event Poster

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