View on Spirit Lake, Vicinity Duluth and Superior

View on Spirit Lake 1907

OneRiverMN-Logo-FC-Badge“Dear Ed and Edith,” begins the message on this postcard, mailed July 31, 1907. The penmenship gets funky in places, but the rest goes something like this: “Arrived here last night — fine trip up — leave in a few minutes for Minneapolis, where we remain until Saturday. Everything has been grand. Yes, even the weather. Trust you are full of ??? Lake like-?ess. We would be if we could get a ??? in it. Lovingly, ??? and ???”

Here is a zoom in on the text in case anyone wants to attempt to decipher the scribbles.

View on Spirit Lake message

View on Spirit Lake 1907 backside



about 8 years ago

"...Trust you are full of this Lake like-ness.  We would be if we could get a boat in it. Lovingly, Charlie and Maggie."

The first sentence is still confusing,  but I think I figured out that last one.

Paul Lundgren

about 6 years ago

Same postcard, different people, a year later.

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