PDD Shop Talk: Labor Day Weekend Edition

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For a tad more than 21 years, Perfect Duluth Day has depended heavily on unpaid labor. Though multiple independent contractors receive paychecks for their contributions to the website, the amount of work that goes out has always greatly exceeded the amount of dollars that come in. That’s why we occasionally toss up a post to remind everyone that PDD can always be better or worse based on cash flow, so donations are a big help.

We continue to be dedicated to delivering information with no paywalls and keeping advertising isolated from content, because that’s the fantasy world we believe in and want to make viable.

If you appreciate the thorough listings of hoopla on the PDD Calendar and/or the features on the PDD Blog, kindly drop a few bucks in the PayPal account. It is much appreciated.

Follow this link for more info about our fundraising.

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