Park Point Land Grab

This Duluth News Tribune article talks about Kathy Cargill’s comments about Duluthians in the Wall St Journal.

Said a billionaire Heiress named Kathy
“The locals are yokels
Their houses are crappy”

No accounting for taste
She bulldozed in haste
And wonders why the neighbors aren’t happy



about 9 months ago

Thanks for the post Dave Sorensen. As a resident of the point for ten years (renting, wish I had the money for one of these "crappy" houses down here), Kathy's ridiculous attitude about this whole thing is hilarious yet terrifying. People starving all over the world, but she needs at least 4 McLarens and scoffs at concerns of local citizens when she tries to buy up a bunch of land in a very geographically limited neighborhood. Now she's going to be more secretive of her plans?  Hmm ... Cheerios anyone?

Jeff S

about 9 months ago

What a dandy she is, far above everyone else. Cargill family has always been low key and respectful in the community. Wonder what the rest of the family thinks of her.

Dave Sorensen

about 9 months ago

When we made our Cheerios donation at the Labor Temple on Thursday there was a huge pile of boxes on the table and we were told they had just moved a whole bunch of boxes to a back room. Donations will be taken there until 4 p.m. on Friday, March 29.

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