September 2023 Posts

Ractalfece is canceled

Hello everybody, this is John Holden, aka, Ractalfece. Over the years, I have been honored that Perfect Duluth Day has been posting my YouTube videos. Unfortunately, YouTube has terminated my account. 

I wrote to them; said it was art. They didn’t restore my account. So I’ll be dusting off my old website — Come find me.

The Slice: Ventriloquist Jeremy Lepak

Duluth native Jeremy Lepak has been a ventriloquist for more than 15 years. In this video he talks about the craft and entertains a crowd in Gary New Duluth during Far West Kids Fest.

In its series The Slice, PBS North presents short “slices of life” that capture the events and experiences that bring people together and speak to what it means to live up north.

New restaurant to offer salads, soups and mystical gifts

Cori Zastera, left, and her husband Jason, stand in front of the Ritual Salad location at 1802 W. Superior St. in Lincoln Park. The new restaurant is scheduled to open in October. (Photos by Mark Nicklawske).

A new fast-casual restaurant featuring healthy salads and soups is in the works for Lincoln Park as the booming Duluth neighborhood sees redevelopment push east along Superior Street toward Garfield Avenue.

Postcards from the Launching of a 600-foot Freighter

Although the postcard caption above reads “Launching of a 600 ft Freighter, Duluth, Minn.,” the vessel in the image appears to be the SS Edward Y. Townsend, which was built in Superior.

Sidestreet Detour – “Time is Short”

Sidestreet Detour performed its Superior Porchfest concert on June 15 on a residential driveway near Central Park. Porchfest is a free, family-friendly music and art series in which attendees can bring a blanket or lawn chair, pack a picnic and/or simply stop by to enjoy the show.

The 2023 season concludes on Thursday, Sept. 7, with music at sunset around a campfire in Billings Park.

Accordion on a Unicycle with Steve Solkela

Steve Solkela performs Wild Cherry’s hit song “Play that Funky Music” on accordion while riding a unicycle … because he’s Steve Solkela.

Beating the Heat

Duluth-area School Pin-back Buttons

Be true to your school and let your colors fly. Collected here are various pin-back buttons promoting schools in, or near, Duluth.

Duluth artist exhibits at Minnesota State Fair

Duluth artist Pat Hagen leapt a huge hurdle to exhibit at the Minnesota State Fair — producing some of the best work in the state. (Photos via Pat.)

New book by Duluthians about Agatha Christie

This book, by some undercelebrated authors from Duluth, looks really promising. They have cranked out six books together, I think.