Monthly Grovel: May 2022

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Homegrown is over, but the music festivals keep coming. There’s the Festival of Nordic Music, Duluth Dylan Festival, Bayfront Country Jam, Bayfront Reggae & World Music Festival and on and on. The only reliable tool to help weigh the options is the PDD Calendar.

Each month we reach out with one beggarly blog post to remind everyone that human beings and not machines are at work editing and publishing calendar events. So if you appreciate it, drop a few bucks in the PayPal account.

Yes, PDD does receive income from advertising, but it’s never been enough to pay anything close to living wages.

What makes PDD so worthy of your spare change? Well, in addition to the obvious thing — the content you read here every day — we have also never uglied our website with popup ads, animated ads, Google surveys or auto-playing videos, and we don’t intend to start. There are no paywalls on PDD. We don’t publish “paid content” drivel or lists of the “Best family day-trip ideas and the fabulous brunch spots on the way.” We don’t gather and sell your personal information. We believe the internet can be better than that.

So make a donation if you can, and please support our advertisers. Thanks in advance for anything you can do.

Follow this link for more info about our calendar fundraising.

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