Adventures of the Bigger-Than-Weather Boys

This series of advertising postcards by artist and writer Peter Newell promotes the Patrick-Duluth Woolen Mill.

The caption on the first card reads:

Dear Chum:–
We Bigger-Than-Weather Boys have a great time.
We coast with the girls when the coasting is fine.
Sometimes we turn over, and here is the charm–
Our patricks are snug and they keep us from harm.

Card two reads:

Dear Pal:–
We Bigger-Than-Weather Boys win out ’tis plain,
Because in our patricks we work shine or rain.
To miss a days practice we think is a shame;
My boy, that’s the reason we won the big game.

Card three reads:

Dear Mate:–
What fun we do have in the rain and the sleet!
We Bigger-Than-Weather Boys chase down the street,
And romp all around in our patricks so free,
No matter how wretched the weather may be.

Card four reads:

Dear Pard:–
Our Bigger-Than-Weather Club hiked to the camp,
And, gee, but the weather was chilly and damp.
But clad in our patricks we laughed at the wet
And cooked up some “eats” that were bully, you bet.


Gina Temple-Rhodes

about 4 years ago

I think I can smell the wet wool from here! Mmmm. Also, what was the deal with the knickers and (I assume wool? socks?) Doesn't look warm.

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