Homegrown Photo Banners

Happy StayHomegrown. This week, as in past years, we will be displaying banner photos related to Homegrown at the top of the page. (Those of you looking at PDD on a smartphone, by the way, will not see photo banners at the top of pages. They clutter things up too much on the tiny screens.)

If you’d like to contribute, send ’em in, could be from past years or photos of how you’re Homegrowning responsibly during COVID-19. Photos of bands, friends, events or general shenanigans. Keep in mind, the photos get cropped to extreme horizontal proportions. If you want to crop ’em yourself, super dooper. Or you can send them uncropped and I’ll do my best to make them fit.

Click here for complete submission guidelines, but the basics are: 1135 pixels wide by 197 pixels high, e-mail them to [email protected]. We’ll get them in the rotation during the Homegrown Music Festival.

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