Duluth Community Partners COVID-19 Update #1

A press conference was held on March 16 at City Hall in response to Governor Walz’s announcement regarding guidance from the state on school closures. The city invited community partners to provide an update on their operations.


Helmut Flaag

about 4 years ago

The guy's face on the right says it all. I propose we put electronic shock collars on anyone under 25 years of age if they leave their house.

Dave Sorensen

about 4 years ago

It will be much appreciated if PDD keeps posting updates about the virus, and listing resources available to people. It is important for people to stay calm and keep a sense of humor, but this situation shows the greatest possibility for societal collapse I've witnessed in my lifetime, and I survived the disco era. We have water and electricity and fuel, and as long as food supply chains keep functioning and medical care is available we can get through this, and maybe even emerge on the other side as a positively transformed society. Economic relief for ordinary people will be much-needed. In the meantime, however, we must be on guard against those who would exploit this situation, as described in Naomi Klein's book "The Shock Doctrine," where disasters are used as an excuse to shove all sorts of bad things down our throats. And it is not paranoid to be on guard against authoritarians who would gladly shut down our open, democratic society. This situation will bring out the best and the worst in people, and it's up to each of us to tip the scales toward a positive outcome. Many thanks to all those who keep our city functioning.


about 4 years ago

“It will be much appreciated if PDD keeps posting updates about the virus...”

Why? Are there not already thousands of internet sources for information?

I would prefer PDD stick to local, light-hearted, and slightly inane fare.

Paul Lundgren

about 4 years ago

At some point I might find time to make a detailed statement about Perfect Duluth Day's goals during this pandemic, but honestly all of our resources are consumed right now with the task of inserting the word "Cancelled" next to items in our calendar, along with verifying which things might not be cancelled, etc.

We would like to both inform the public about available resources and also stick to our typical "light-hearted and slightly inane fare." But we don't have legions of reporters to tackle breaking news, so mostly you will see more of the latter than the former.


about 4 years ago

“ But we don't have legions of reporters to tackle breaking news, so mostly you will see more of the latter than the former.”

Thank God. I’m grateful for this small touch of sanity in a world gone hysterical. 

Am I allowed to ask: Why aren’t we doing annual social distancing for the yearly 50,000 (US)  Influenza A and B-based deaths?

I’m now going for a hike. Someone please post an “Upset Duluth” photo while I’m gone.

Helmut Flaag

about 4 years ago

This world is hysterical. So much humor, so little time.

Helmut Flaag

about 4 years ago

What if God is like a cute little Bulldog?  If you think about this from God's perspective, and I don't, but if I did, God would be thinking something like "Jesus, you people are behaving like a bunch of selfish bitches. I mean, you're shitting all over your natural resources while floating through vast lonely stretches of outer space on a little blue ball, with no one to rely on but yourselves and you can't even get along or treat each other with a modicum of decency because you're all too busy posting selfies on Instagram. I think you need a time-out. You know what I'm gonna do for you all? I'm gonna give you a big fucking break from your routine so you can see the big picture and smell the flowers (God doesn't like the smell of roses). And when this is all over, and you stop praying to me for deliverance from your sins, you'll see the light and say, thank you God."

Paul Lundgren

about 4 years ago

Cancelling public events mostly causes people to spend more time on computers, so God might not be getting the intended consequences. But I think people will slowly realize you can still smell the flowers without public events, so there's no need to start sniffing JPEGs of flowers.

Dave Sorensen

about 4 years ago

For the record, thousands of sources confirm the flu and Covid-19 are NOT analogous. And I, for one, appreciate PDD's long tradition of running Public Service Announcements, which in no way detract from all the light-hearted inanity found here.

Helmut Flaag

about 4 years ago


Light hearted and slightly inane can and absolutely should be balanced with public service messages. Thing is, there's so much misinformation and conspiracy theories going around right now, that even someone who we can assume has some modicum of intelligence here apparently still isn't aware that this virus is actually about ten times (10 x's) deadlier than the workaday flu viruses going around. There will be blood. A lot of it. Nice people who don't deserve to die, will. And all reputable media sources need to lend a hand in combating the bat shit crazy news sources spreading propaganda and BS.  Share and distribute science, facts, and positivity.
Everyone, like never before, entire generations of young people who've spent their whole lives being self absorbed and glued to a screen are going to have to be educated about things they've never had to consider, make sacrifices, and learn new thoughts and ways of being in the world. Such as, their actions matter. That old people aren't just eye sores, but rather, might have valuable insight and wisdom. 
To all young people, try to imagine the next old person you see as a miracle of survival, a wealth of experience, and a wonder of nature, rather than just a piece of shit in your way. Maybe ask them how their day is going. Nod empathetically when they tell you they've been better. You might be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams. At least you'll be part of the solution, rather than the problem.

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