Doughboys on Duluth: “Campaign in the Ass”

Doughboys, the podcast about chain restaurants, mentions Duluth in episode 77, “Cold Stone Creamery with Kevin T. Porter,” released Nov. 2, 2016.

In the episode, Gilmore Guys co-host Kevin T. Porter joins hosts Mike Mitchell and Nick Wiger to review his favorite ice cream parlor from high school. At around the 12-minute mark, Mitchell suggests he should run for president.

Wiger: After like two campaign events you would just complain about what a pain in the ass it was and not want to do it anymore. Can you imagine getting on a tour bus and going to, like, Duluth, and then getting up at 5 a.m. and doing a campaign rally for a bunch of steelworkers?

Mitchell: Jesus.

Wiger: Like, just think, there’s so much work involved in running a political campaign. It’s not something you’d ever want to do.

Porter: (Sarcastically) Steelworkers, notoriously, the worst crowds.

Wiger: Those guys are rowdy.

Mitchell: Campaign … in the ass.

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