In its series The Slice, WDSE-TV presents short “slices of life” that capture the events and experiences that bring people together and speak to what it means to live up north.
This edition features wintertime fun in Cloquet’s Pinehurst Park.
My kids and I like sledding at Pinehurst Park, but the video hints at some of the hazards of the place. At the :04 mark, a sledder near the bottom of the hill abruptly hits something and is thrown from her sled. Pinehurst has a number of dips and ridges, several inches deep, that run across the hill. If you hit one the wrong way, the results can be impressive. Once I hit one backwards and did my impression of an Olympic gymnast. I ended my routine by landing safely on my neck.
Second, you'll notice the pieces of gravel mixed in with the snow. There is a LOT of gravel on Pinehurst Hill, and if there isn't a lot of snow on top of it, you can damage your sled. When we went in December, pieces of broken sleds were scattered all over the hill. We broke two of our own that day.
Just a head's-up. Have fun!
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about 6 years ago