Selective Focus: #parkpoint

The prime beach-going days are numbered, so if you’ve got a chance to go, you’d better go. This week in Selective Focus, we’re taking it easy, taking a look at life on #parkpoint.

Calm before the storm. #parkpoint #beach #superior #BikingOnSandIsDifficult

A post shared by Daniel Whelan (@twowheelanwanderer) on

#focused #labradorretriever #lakesuperior #parkpoint #duluth

A post shared by Dan Markham (@dmarkham25) on

Rough day at the beach. #beach #parkpoint

A post shared by Matthew Knudson (@matt_fred) on

only the wind knows where it will carry our dandelion souls. -a.r. asher

A post shared by Bridgit (@bridgitleem) on

Murder Hike on Park Point! #murderhike #parkpoint #theelectricwitch #hallowed #musicvideo

A post shared by Mike Scholtz (@mikescholtz) on

#nofilter #mushroomtime #mushroomseason #mushroom! #ilovemushrooms #parkpoint

A post shared by Chelstina Rosera (@chelsi_bird) on

Bosom buddies. #parkpoint #duluth #minnesota #friends

A post shared by Jocelyn Pihlaja (@omightycrisis) on

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