April 2017 Posts

Bjorklund half-marathon entry auction to benefit Damiano

Grandmas Garry Bjorklund Half MarthonOnce again Security Jewelers is auctioning one of its sponsor entries to the Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon on eBay. This year the proceeds will go to the Damiano Center, a Duluth nonprofit that provides emergency services to low-income and homeless people. The auction ends April 13 at noon.

Lottery registration for the 2017 Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon closed Oct. 31. The race is at capacity with 7,000 participants. The entry cost via the lottery was $95. Typically the auction price lands around $225, but the previous time the Damiano Center was the charity of choice the entry raised $1,000.

Vulgar Graffiti

Paul Lundgren Saturday EssayThe most common word in graffiti is “fuck.” It often appears by itself — a single word left for others to ponder for decades or else paint over. It is probably meant to express general dissatisfaction with life. An expanded version of the sentiment might read: “I wish to say ‘fuck you’ to every random person who passes here. Such is my anger with the state of affairs in this world and the specific circumstances I deal with in my personal life. Though most people are not necessarily responsible for the things that upset me, I nonetheless hold everyone in contempt.”

It is also not uncommon to see the word “shit” spray painted as a one-word message, which leads me to believe the act of graffiti is often more about exercising the ability to be profane in a public and semi-permanent way than about getting across an idea. At least, I hope so. It seems unlikely that graffiti artists write “fuck” and “shit” as instructions to encourage public fornication and defecation. If they did, they could be much clearer by writing, for example, “shit here.”

There are actual graffiti artists who paint brilliant and thought-provoking murals on concrete pillars, the sides of train cars and so on, but their rebel collages are a bit less common than the scribbled words of the artistically challenged.

Rachael Kilgour in City Pages

Rachael Kilgour City PagesDuluth’s Rachel Kilgour plays the Aster Café River Room in Minneapolis on April 8. She shared the story behind her new songs over tea and a light dinner in Uptown with Youa Vang for a story in City Pages:

Rachael Kilgour stands up for herself on ‘Rabbit in the Road’

Power to the Peeps


Selfless promotion: my family and friends created this art while I was working. Check it out, on display at Hannah Johnson Fabrics in Lakeside.

Selective Focus: Kirsten Aune


Kirsten Aune just hung a show of her bright, colorful work at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at 835 W. College St. She talks about her process and inspiration.

K.A.: I work on cloth to create wall-hangings, garments, toys, table linens, hand bags, lampshades, quilts and lots of other goodies. I create original designs using stencils I cut by hand and then I arrange my visual compositions using bold blocks of color and repeat designs. I have also been using silkscreens to create yardage. However, I have been limited to one color for my designs. I will be implementing a rail system that will enable me to line up multiple screens which will open up more dynamic designs using this medium. Recently, I have been projecting my designs in installations in Duluth, Bergen, Norway and Aarhus, Denmark. Currently, I am planning to incorporate some digital animation for an exhibition at the Nordic Center in the fall.

Walking My Portrait Home

Retrieving my portrait from the Duluth Art Institute, where it had been part of artist Sarah Brokke’s “Portrait of an Artist” show. On the walk home I stopped a few places, got my taxes done, and had some drinks. That’s my friend Troy there at the end.

The official invite to the Duluth Film Collective

Do you love talking about movies? Or are you a filmmaker? Do you live in or around Duluth? If so, this will be right up your alley.

The Duluth Film Collective was launched by award-winning Duluth screenwriter Matthew Dressel and, as any member can tell you, it’s great to be around such enthusiastic people. But don’t take my word for it! Dressel himself explains the whole group much better in the video above.

Interested? Awesome. The Film Collective meets regularly through its Meetup page. Sign up, find a day that works and join the fun!

Where to dump road salt and dirt in Duluth

West Duluth Spring GritThe spring ritual of sweeping up excess road salt from sidewalks, curbs and boulevards leaves some Duluthians wondering what they are supposed to do with their bucket of grit.

The city of Duluth’s communications office recommends four dump sites.

Spring 2017 Duluth-area Beer Festival Primer


The United States now boasts over 5,000 craft breweries as the thirst for quality beer continues. The Twin Ports are clearly part of the trend. Duluth and Superior are home to eight breweries, with two more planning to launch in 2017. Several others dot the north and south shores of Lake Superior. The great news for beer aficionados: there’s no shortage of local beer and opportunities to taste the latest batches. The next three major swillfests are highlighted here.

Duluth Band Profile: Jacob Mahon

Jacob Mahon developed his songwriting skills playing bars and backyards across central Minnesota. Since his arrival to Duluth, he’s learned how a single compliment goes a long way. Click on the image above to hear the podcast.

Costello Block rubble of 2007; Wieland Block of 2017

Costello Block Demolition 2007

Weiland Block 2017

The top photo is from April 5, 2007; the bottom is from the same spot on April 5, 2017.

Ten years ago the Costello Block was a pile of bricks, brownstone and timber at 22-24 E. Superior St. It was demolished to make way for A&L Properties’ redevelopment and expansion of the Wieland Block, which incorporated two century-old structures to the east of the Costello Block — the Hayes Block and the Wieland Block, shown in both images above.

The view from Duluth’s “House of Rock”

View of Duluth and Lift Bridge from Skyline Parkway

Perhaps second only to Glensheen Mansion in fame among Duluth homes is the Arthur and Ella Cook House at 501 W. Skyline Parkway. For those who have looked at the property and wondered what the view of the city is like from that bluestone stairway, the postcard above offers an illustrated perspective from roughly the 1930s.

Air Canada Silver Broom 1976 World Curling Championship


Duluth Band Profile: Pizzaghost

Pizzaghost takes audiences to the ethereal plane of noise and punk rock. Keyboardist Jack Klander and bassist Ben Jacobson explain the anarchy of the group’s live shows.

Help Kaylee Matuszak appear onstage with Brandi Carlile

From Kaylee Matuszak:

Hi everybody! If you know me, you know how much I love Brandi Carlile and what a huge inspiration she is to me. She’s running a contest in which I submitted a cover of one of the songs from her album “The Story.” If my video gets enough votes, I could be chosen to perform the song live onstage with her in L.A.! So if you’d please take a minute to vote for my video and share this around, I would be forever grateful to you. You can vote once a week! Voting ends on April 17th at 9am, so don’t delay! Thank you so much!

Vote at: Brandi Carlile Cover Stories Contest