November 2015 Posts

Red Fox near Duluth Harbor

Red-Fox-Park-Point-2 Red-Fox-Park-Point-4

Rich Hoeg was out looking for snowy owls on the Duluth waterfront and came up empty … except for this red fox sighting. For more photos check out Hoeg’s 365 Days of Birds blog.

Nathan Gustavsson of Hermantown

Since the shooting in the Twin Cities at the Black Lives Matter protest, it was revealed that one of the suspects is from Hermantown.

Nearly 1,000 people marched to City Hall on Tuesday, less than a day after five protesters were shot near a Black Lives Matter demonstration, an apparently racially motivated attack that pushed Minneapolis into the national spotlight.

Minneapolis police said Tuesday that they have arrested three men in connection with the shooting. Allen Lawrence “Lance” Scarsella III, 23, was arrested in Bloomington. Sources said Nathan Gustavsson, 21, of Hermantown, and Daniel Macey, 26, of Pine City, were taken into custody after they turned themselves in. All three suspects are white. Earlier Tuesday, police arrested a 32-year-old Hispanic man in south Minneapolis, but he was later released because, police said, he was not at the scene of the shooting.

Minneapolis Star Tribune: 3 men in custody, 1 released in Minneapolis 4th Precinct protest shooting

A friend of mine in the Cities wanted to know how that revelation played out up here.  To be honest, his question was the first I’d heard.


Duluth National Snocross 2015

Video by Max Fierek.

This Week: lots o’ music, whiskey, comedy and more

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Here’s a bit of what you’ll find on this week’s PDD Calendar:

Rockapella 2015 is in the house: Home Free stops at the DECC for some vocal-only action, people can taste a bunch of whiskeys at the Kitch to benefit the DSSO, Superior Siren plays the Red Herring with Coyote and Black Diary, Mary Poppins flies into Duluth, pop-country guy Chris Young comes to the Amsoil and Chris Monroe shows her latest stuff.

Kate Isles releases her first solo album, Rubber Chicken presents its latest Duluth-centric holiday production, Mozart’s opera The Magic Flute comes to Weber Music Hall, Charles Dickens serves up some ghostly justice to the ultimate one-percenter, a bunch of bands comprised of people who didn’t ask to be stuck together perform and Sacred Heart is holding a holiday fundraiser.

Bald eagle stuck in trap rescued by hunters

bald eagle rescue selfieTwo brothers grouse hunting in Canada rescued a bald eagle with its talon stuck in a trap and then took a selfie with it. They posted video of the rescue on Facebook, the freeing of the talon took about four minutes.

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Video Archive: Fromunda Trio at R.T. Quinlan’s

The trio of Tina Ludwig-Laxen, Jay Johnson and James J. Myers Jr. performing at R.T. Quinlan’s Saloon during an open mic on Sept. 16, 1995.

Elvis – A Day in Duluth

Elvis - A Day in Duluth bootleg Elvis - A Day in Duluth bootleg back cover

A previous post on Perfect Duluth Day reveals a Led Zeppelin bootleg from the 1960s is incorrectly labeled as “Live in Duluth.” Well, it turns out there is an Elvis Presley album titled A Day in Duluth that has every indication of being authentic.

Duluth musician has fortuitous random connection in Norway

Jamie KallestadVia Vestnytt, a newspaper published in Straume, Norway, PDD reports: “Det magiske Kallestadmøtet i luften.”

Duluth musician Jamie Kallestad performed at the the Glesvær Kafe yesterday. Translators, sort that out and share your wisdom.

Kristy Marie and the Forget Me Nots Indiegogo Campaign

Kristy Marie and the Forget Me NotsDuluth band Kristy Marie and the Forget Me Nots is working on a new album of “ethereal folk music” titled Maiden America. Contributions are being sought through an Indiegogo campaign to acquire a “mastering ear contributing to the completion of the sound” and to pay CD-printing costs.

Black Lives Matter

Video by April Robinson from a November 2014 protest in Duluth.

Selective Focus: Editor’s Choice

One year of Selective Focus would be impossible to capture in a single post, so I’ve gleaned just a few personal favorites. I think we’ve accomplished together many of my initial desires to foreground the real people who live work and play here, and to build community through art, no matter how homely or grand.

Happy Thanksgiving from Bessie

Bessie Thanksgiving  Postcard 1908

Sulfide Mining Debate + The Holidays = Watch This

Surely sulfide mining is close to the top of the things Minnesotans can disagree about with family and friends as we enter the holidaze. This two-minute video depicts one way the outcome of the PolyMet question could play out. Great for captive audiences who are too stuffed to resist. Enjoy!

Bentleyville Awakens and Reflects

Short time-lapse videos by Dennis O’Hara.

Duluth City Council votes to oppose Trans Pacific Partnership

Thanks to the Duluth City Council for voting 8 to 1 to oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership. The DNT article is here. 

The TPP has been negotiated in secret for years, and has been called “NAFTA on steroids” and a “corporate coup d’ etat.” If you’ve never heard of it that’s no coincidence. It will offshore jobs, raise the price of medicines, threaten net neutrality, threaten environmental protections, undermine human rights, roll back Wall Street reforms, and perhaps most frighteningly of all it will establish unelected tribunals whose courts will take precedence over U.S. and other national court systems with regard to trade disputes. Laws passed by democracies will no longer be the law of the land. This is an assault on our republican form of government. Please read more about it here and here.

Please email Senator Al Franken and Senator Amy Kobuchar.