August 2015 Posts

Summer of ’65: First Duluthian killed in Vietnam action


Fifty years ago — Aug. 22, 1965 — the DNT reports Marine Cpl. James Leo Dieryck, 26, was killed in action on Aug. 18 in the Chu Lai sector of Vietnam. He was the first Duluthian and the second man from the region to die during the war.

Selective Focus: Tangible

Hattie Peterson

Hattie Peterson, untitled

I would rather see a photograph of pencil shavings than a high resolution Hubble space telescope image of some distant star cluster. Maybe that’s because I am already profoundly aware of my own insignificance, and therefore hold the inconsequential beauty of ordinary things closely. Reality doesn’t require hypermediation, and I would dearly miss all that’s sensual in what is close at hand if I were somehow, someday deprived of it.

Summer of ’65: Grandmom earns UMD degree after 30-year span


Fifty years ago — Aug. 21, 1965 — the DNT reports Mrs. George Orescanin has received her bachelor of arts degree in social science following summer session at the University of Minnesota Duluth. It was a process she had begun 32 years earlier.

Duluth cat potentially ready to freak out

Duluth cat potentially ready to freak outThe latest Duluth dateline in The Onion newspaper reports “It impossible to tell what sounds will freak out cat.” Apparently, “there seemed to be no clear pattern to the animal’s responses,” according to local pet owner Wendy Vogl. “I can slam the front door and he’ll just sit there licking himself, but then he’ll hear thunder and run out of the room immediately.”

Development Officer Position at UMD

The University of Minnesota Duluth has an opening for an associate development officer (working title: development officer). This development professional will work in partnership with the development officer in fundraising efforts for UMD’s College of Liberal Arts and College of Education and Human Service Professions. The associate development officer will be responsible for the identification, qualification, cultivation and solicitation of mid-level donors. Applications must be submitted online. For more details or to apply for this position, click here and search for job opening 302836. Contact: Lawrence Johnson,

Summer of ’65: Council considers pay rides on Aerial Lift Bridge


Fifty years ago — Aug. 20, 1965 — the DNT reports the Duluth City Council will consider a proposal to permit “scenic rides on the Aerial Lift Bridge at a fee of 25 cents.”

Ore Boat Cribbage Board

Ore Boat Cribbage Board

This mighty ore-boat cribbage board, acquired at a rummage sale, is not quite as buoyant as one might expect. Though the peg-holed deck quickly floods, the vessel remains afloat. This cherished antique has all the signs of having been someone’s high-school shop project, so we salute the mysterious nameless craftsperson for the worthwhile contribution to society. It looks like a name may have been penciled on the bottom at one point, but it’s far from legible now.

Summer of ’65: Griggs Hall opens at UMD


Fifty years ago — Aug. 19, 1965 — the DNT reports a new, unnamed residence hall, designed to house 202 students, will be dedicated on Aug. 20.

Grassy Point Trail closed?

Does anyone know why the Grassy Point trail is blocked off about halfway down and what the time frame is for reopening? My daughters and I were bummed when we couldn’t get down to the water this morning.

Toasty’s is coming to Downtown

Walking along Superior Street today I noticed several Toasty’s menus conspicuously leaning in the window of the former Farley’s (among others) location.

A quick Facebook search reveals a post which includes:

“Here is a sneak peek of Toasty’s Sandwich Shop.  Located downtown on Superior Street.  Scheduled to open Fall of 2015”

Will Toasty’s succeed where so many others have failed?  Is the location in fact cursed?  What caused the most recent downfall of Farley’s?  Discuss!

Shredded tire mulch: Soft and safe or dirty and dangerous?

This Eyewitness News report from July covers the controversy of shredded tire mulch on playgrounds in Duluth. Cory Kirsling, father of a Lester Park Elementary School student, has started a GoFundMe page to raise money to have the mulch tested “for heavy metals, VOCs, off-gassing and leaching, toxins and carcinogens.” His page notes, “a local lab will collect the samples from our school’s playground, and we will share the research with everyone.”

Summer of ’65: New TV station in the works for Duluth


Fifty years ago — Aug. 18, 1965 — the DNT reports the Duluth Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on a proposal to grant a special permit to Channel 10, Inc., to operate a television station.

We Need Nice

Follow Mr. nice on Twitter @mrnicerules and like Mr. Nice on Facebook here.

Summer of ’65: Arenas planned for Two Harbors and Silver Bay


Fifty years ago — Aug. 17, 1965 — the DNT reports plans are in the works for community arenas to be built in Two Harbors and Silver Bay.

This Week: mini-golf, nerds, dragon boats and a Celebration of Life

Untitled design
Here’s a bit of what you’ll find on this week’s PDD Calendar:

Play a round of putt-putt to support Superior’s Old Firehouse, Vivielle releases their new album at the Red Herring, kids can make foil art at the Duluth Public Library, the latest episode of Take It With You is going down at the Underground, the Nerds are having another Nite at Teatro Zuccone and people with antiques can get them appraised at the Depot.

Kids 7 to 17 can get involved in sports activities at the Heritage Center, the comedy Over the River and Through the Woods opens at StageNorth in Washburn, the dragon boats are back at Barker’s Island in Superior and local DJ Edgewood Smith is remembered in a concert that will feature Low and more.