Sclavi’s is on the ropes again


Sclavi’s Italian Restaurant in Superior is threatening to close for what would be the third time.

“We are in need of your patronage, immediately,” the restaurant’s Facebook page noted yesterday. “We are close to closing our doors permanently. This is rock bottom.”

Sclavi’s opened in 2009, closed, reopened in 2011, closed again, and reopened again last October. Brothers Anthony and Dan Sclavi are the current owners.

“We have done everything possible beyond our means to provide a quality, affordable place to have a night out,” the Facebook post continues. “We are forever thankful for those who have passed through our doors. We are putting this notice public so we, as a community, have an opportunity to rally to keep Sclavi’s a destination on Tower Ave.”

Sclavi’s is promoting sidewalk service during the annual Tower Avenue Car Show this Saturday, July 4. The restaurant is located at 1106 Tower Ave., next to the Palace Bar.

Car Show Specials



about 10 years ago

When you have to beg for customers, maybe it's time to  close permanently? I feel bad for the owners, but there is something (location, product, management, etc...) that obviously isn't working.


about 10 years ago

Been there several times.  The food is very good.  Anyone who has thought about going should go, I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Special K

about 10 years ago

"Everything possible" except advertising apparently.  Never heard of this place, and I drive down Tower a few times a week to get to the gym.  I actually had to look on Google street view to confirm there was in fact another building next to the Palace.


about 10 years ago

I second Special K's suggestion. 

I was aware there was a business called "Sclavi's" next to the Palace, but to be honest with you I thought it was a bar.


about 10 years ago

Scalvi's? Originally opened in 2009? News to me.  I third Special K's suggestion. I haven't eaten here (yet), so I can't speak to the food or service. Those crucal factors aside, it seems like marketing is lacking. A few  suggestions to consider:

* Put up a simple website with  location, hours, and menu.

* Advertise your specialties locally. Ads in publications like PDD and Transistor are very affordable.

* Politely ask your favorite customers to write reviews on sites like Trip Advisor and Yelp.

* Inquire w/ local media about doing a story on your restaurant.

Good luck, I will try to stop in soon!

Paul Lundgren

about 10 years ago

PDD dropped the ball on significantly heralding the existence of Sclavi's, but it has been referenced several times. 

Brian Olson’s mural of the Palace Theater (first comment)
New Restaurants in Duluth (mentioned as a "not to mention")
We need a newer best new restaurant (second comment)
Palace Theater tour from 2002
Monster Mob – Human Centipede

Although Duluth has Va Bene, Bellisio’s, Valentini’s and Gannucci’s, I think Sclavi's is the only Italian joint in Superior, which ought to make it viable, considering I've never heard a bad review. Granted, I've only heard about three good reviews, but that's 3-0.


about 10 years ago

I've lived here 20+ years, including 4 months in Supetown and never heard of it until this week. They need to get the word out about themselves!

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