Selective Focus: Homegrown


Starfire, untitled

I was warned what a wrecking ball of mirth this Homegrown fest can be, so I should count myself fortunate to have emerged merely psychologically disfigured. Hope you’ve all managed to retain some vestige of the life that pre-existed this marathon, and god willing we’ll see y’all next year.

Steering toward a more moderate course, next week’s theme will be “tranquil.” Send your unwatermarked, signature-less images by Wednesday at 11:59 p.m to tim @ — 1000px at their largest dimension — along with title (if any), and URL of your website, Facebook page, Tumblr, or Flickr stream.

Bill Schwalbe

Bill Schwalbe, “Chester Bowl”

Zack Kerola

Zack Kerola, “Mah”

Bill Schwalbe

Bill Schwalbe, “Canal Park Brewing”

Zach Kerola

Zack Kerola, “Narum With Ghost Hands”

Bill Schwalbe

Bill Schwalbe, “Dad’s Acid”

Zach Kerola

Zack Kerola, “Tim”

Aaron Reichow

Aaron Reichow, “The Murder of Crows, The Underground, May 2, 2015”

Aaron Reichow

Aaron Reichow, “”Coyote, Fitger’s Brewhouse, May 2, 2015″”

Cheryl Reitan

Cheryl Reitan, “Tysonettes”

Cheryl Reitan

Cheryl Reitan, “Caroline”

Cheryl Reitan

Cheryl Reitan, “Red Mountain”

Claire Kirch

Claire Kirch, “Sharla at Homegrown”

Gene McKeever

Gene McKeever, “Plaza Fire”

Gene McKeever

Gene McKeever, “Last Day”

Gene McKeever

Gene McKeever, “Dancing”

Kelly Mulan

Kelly Mullan, “Big Science”

Hollis Norman

Hollis Norman, untitled

Kip Praslowicz

Kip Praslowicz, untitled

The Social Disaster at the Main Club on April 30, 2015

Aaron Reichow, The Social Disaster, the Main Club, April 30, 2015

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