March 2015 Posts

Northlanders: DLH wants you!

Commentary in the Duluth News Tribune:

Local View: Airport must think outside the box to reduce market leakage

Why do you choose to bus, bike or walk?

In preparation for the fourth annual Bus Bike Walk month in May, Healthy Duluth is now collecting stories from community members who regularly bus, bike or walk as transportation.

Research shows that there are many personal and societal benefits to active transportation including physical fitness and overall well being, an improved economy and fewer vehicle emissions than driving. Many people in the Duluth community utilize these forms of transportation, and by showcasing their stories, the community will be inspired to give people-powered transportation a try.

Click here to share your story and inspire others to Bus Bike Walk.

Dave Hoops on Craft Conscious

[This post originally contained an embedded video that is no longer available at its source.]

Dave Hoops, master brewer at Duluth’s Fitger’s Brewhouse, was the interview subject today on Craft Conscious, a website that interviews craft beer experts, entrepreneurs and innovators.

Friend of Duluthian comes out of the woodwork

Duluth had another dateline in the Onion last week:

Long-silent Facebook friend comes out of woodwork with post asking about insulating windows

This Week: the mayor, mustaches, meals and more

Untitled design
Here’s a bit of what you’ll find on this week’s PDD Calendar:

Mayor Ness’ final State of the City Address is taking place, wooden cars are pitted against each other in the latest Pinewood Derby, Restaurant Week gets underway with meals aplenty and the Zinema’s 2sDays series kicks into gear.

Grab some new jewelry at St. Luke’s, acquire Mary Bue’s latest album at her release show, see the classic musical Oliver!, take in some of the best jazz the area has to offer at the Head of the Lakes Jazz Festival and celebrate Mustache March.

Lots to do, and then some.

Carved Stone Project Placement Experiment

Stoneworker Sean MacManus and I hatched a plan to use his Celtic stonework pieces to fashion an underwater stone garden, geocache, and/or orienteering course. This video is footage of my experiment to test the feasibility of lashing the stones around the base of a boulder. I had two of the stones, each identical with backing mounts affixed with mortar, and I had two ropes. I found this project much more difficult than I imagined, and it failed as a proof of concept as the mortar weakened and would not hold the ropes. This was in addition to simply being deucedly difficult to accomplish even in just a few feet of water. The shot of the stones towards the end by the green leaf is after the mortar failure when I decided to abandon the attempt. I was beat and so left one the stones overnight. The final shot is me retrieving it. After this, I experimented with trying to wedge the stones in place but that didn’t work either. The entire project (still evolving towards this summer) generated a lot of footage of me swimming around enigmatically with these stones, which has already been released here.

Fireworks in February

I’m in the cafe at Barnes and Noble, where I just bought the new issue of Charlie Hebdo. I wish that it didn’t feel so commercially crass to have bought this now.