December 2014 Posts

Presenting the 2014 edition of cars sliding down a Duluth avenue

This video is from the Nov. 10 snow/ice storm. It’s not as good as the original (which is nearing a million views) but still … everyone loves a good car-sliding montage.

This Week: snowmobiles, speeches, seasonal sounds and more

Untitled design
Here’s a bit of what you’ll find on this week’s PDD Calendar:

Now that everyone has emerged from their food comas, there is plenty to see and do in the Twin Ports. Snowmobilers are now free to hit the trails, Karin Kraemer is speaking at the Tweed, Adam Swanson’s having a mural reception and they’re talking business at Clyde Iron.

Jamie Ness plays during Grog Time at Tycoons, Legally Blonde: The Musical opens and vets are remembered at a special dinner.

It’s not too early to get out over the weekend and start getting gifts: the Bizarre Bazaar and the Get it Local Gift Fair are two ways to do so.

And there’s lots of seasonal sounds to be had: O Holy Night is going down, as is the Sounds of the Season concert. Top off your weekend with the Rock and Roll Kamikaze and some stand-up comedy at Dubh Linn, and you’ve got all your bases covered.

Well, almost.