Here’s a sampling of what you have to look forward to this week on the PDD Calendar.
Doomtree: Team the Best Team, a music documentary about the Minneapolis hip hop group, plays at Zinema 2 on Tuesday.
The Underground continues its Song Interrupted series with Rich Mattson singing and talking about what he’s singing and why on Wednesday.
Chester Chat is a series of TED talk-like presentations at Glensheen. This Thursday the focus is on regional arts with presentations by Sarah Brokke, Anne Dugan and Jennifer Webb.
Cloud Cult returns to Duluth to play Clyde Iron on Friday.
The Liar, a play by Pierre Corneille and translated by David Ives opens, opens at St. Scholastica on Friday and runs two weekends.
Awesome Fest, a fest of awesomeness, runs Friday through Sunday at Mont du Lac with outdoor winter sports, indoor winter drinking, music, a costume contest and more.
The DECC will be a great place for people watching on Saturday as the refined DSSO crowd going to their concert of Bach, Barber and Brahms at Symphony Hall meets up with the Justin Moore fans going to Amsoil Arena. Post pics.
So what are you doing this week? Can we tag along? Any upcoming events that you want to promote? Let us know.