December 2013 Posts

Life of a Sailor: The Winter

Tip Telep’s video of life aboard the Interlake Steamship Co.’s flagship merchant vessel Paul R. Tregurtha — the longest ship on the Great Lakes. Music: “Whole Wide World” by Big Tree.

Favorite Duluth Albums of 2013

Oh, isn’t it just so typical to ask a question like this at the end of the year? Well, with something like four-dozen albums released by local musicians in 2013 it’s hard to keep up. Someone has to inform the general public of what’s essential. And that someone is you. Let your preferences be known in the comments.

And yes, this is leading into a poll.

Happy Xmas (War is Over)

On this chilly morn, the blue light of the moon reveals the carnage left on the battlefield of the War on Xmas. Last year’s Apple product, the old tube television, and mounds of torn wrapping paper clutter the otherwise barren landscape. Though the media pundit generals have refused to sign the Declaration of Armistice, the conflict is over. The body count was surprisingly low- a Christmas miracle, one might even say. According to official reports, there was only a single casualty. Ironically, it was a Salvation Army bell-ringer who was assaulted by a “true believer” who was so insulted by the charity worker’s exhortation of “Happy Holidays,” that they had no other choice but to punch them in the face. We can only pray that the Peace holds — and that cooler heads will prevail. In closing, let us wish a Happy Birthday to Albino Jesus.

Track Santa’s journey around the world.

Click Here To View

Insane Footage of Lake Superior in December

All your band wants for Christmas is a Homegrown gig

Band registration for the 2014 Homegrown Music Festival opens Christmas Day. Performers interested in playing the festival, which runs April 27 to May 4, must complete the online registration before Jan. 31.

This year’s Homegrown Winter Fiasco will take place Jan. 17 and will feature nine Homegrown artists playing at three Duluth music venues. The Winter Fiasco is a pre-festival showcase celebrating Homegrown volunteer sign-up and band registration. The Winter Fiasco shows are all free events and will feature volunteer sign-up stations and festival staff on site to answer Homegrown inquiries.

Manheat Eats Low Breaker

Rough video from the Duluth Does Low concert — Dec. 12, 2013.

Merry Christmas.

This week: ‘Tis the week of Christmas


‘Tis the week of Christmas and, here in Duluth,
Rubber Chicken has a revue which is most uncouth.

Bentleyville‘s lit up from bottoms to tops
and there’s Open Ice Skating for teens and for tots.

Magic‘s all around! (Well it is on Friday nights.)
And Fairlawn Mansion is all done up in lights.

CHUM’s holding a vigil to remember the homeless
who can’t find a room, like modern Marys and Josephs.

Winter Camp at Camp Miller will stave off the chills
with sledding, ice fishing and cold weather skills.

There’s outdoor trail hiking at Jay Cooke and Gooseberry
and indoor brew touring if that’s way too scary.

And all day Wednesday, my words you’ll be marking,
have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy the free parking.

Star Trek – The Northern Frontier

From Star Trek: Enterprise, season 3, episode 1, “The Xindi,” first aired Sept. 10, 2003. Because of this, Duluth has a short entry in Memory Alpha, the repository of all things Star Trek on the interwebs.

Blue Laws are Stupid, post #7

MPR News: Here comes the Sunday liquor sales debate again, this time with feisty craft beer brewers

West Duluth Save-a-lot closing

It’s like losing a family member in a stupid way – we got to know the employees and we relied on them for the basic staples.

Save-a-Lot in the Spirit Valley Mall is closing. It sounds like the owner is retiring. Maybe another franchisee will take it over.

Ore boat passing through Aerial Lift Bridge

Bentleyville from the PDD Drone

East End Tailor

I used to work in West Duluth, and West Duluth Sewing was conveniently accessed. I made a special trip over the last week, and to my disappointment they seem closed – as in not open for business anymore.  Anyway – Joanne was great – always happy – she could fix anything:  hem pants, repair gear, advise on relationship issues …

What’s with the new rail cars?!

Did anyone notice some odd-looking rail cars on the train tracks along I-35 this morning? They appear to be of particularly odd shapes and not like anything I’ve seen before in the area. Any info from PDD? I was driving to work so I was unable to snap a quick photo. They sure look mysterious like some type of submarine or large underground tanks.