Duluth, you’re on the air with Vic Damone
As further illustration of PDD’s ridiculous fascination with any reference to Duluth in popular American culture, here’s a clip from last night’s David Letterman monologue on The Late Show.
As further illustration of PDD’s ridiculous fascination with any reference to Duluth in popular American culture, here’s a clip from last night’s David Letterman monologue on The Late Show.
New music video, directed by Dan Huiting, featuring former Duluthian Haley Bonar. “Last War” is the title track from her next album, coming out in spring 2014.
For half a century, Sammy’s Pizza dominated the local Italian pie scene with its trademark thin crust and tasty sauce. Pizza Lucé came along in 2001 and shook things up with unusual toppings and a funky vibe. These days, however, Thirsty Pagan Brewing has won over pizza connoisseurs in the Twin Ports with its deep-dish pies, loaded with Wisconsin cheese. The TPB was the clear winner in PDD’s best pizza restaurant poll.
Is there a gift guide out there for (very) small businesses to advertise in?
I don’t have much of a budget so I can’t buy into big fancy ones, but there must be something out there for the little guys. Help?
(This is not a ploy to get free advertising. It’s a real question.)
It can’t be embedded on PDD, because it’s a crazy interactive weirdo thing. Go to bobdylan.com to check it out. If you have slow internet, don’t bother.
As you watch the video, you can use the up-and-down arrows on your keyboard to switch between 16 different “channels” to see 16 different versions. None of the versions are particularly great, but collectively … well … it’s something different anyway.
It’s probably been dealt with here before, but Richard Dreyfus (as Elliot Garfield) and Quinn Cummings (as Lucy McFadden) have a conversation at the supper table in the 1977 film The Goodbye Girl and have this exchange:
I taught drama at Duluth Junior College.
You taught drama? Far out!
Very far out. It’s up near Canada.
This recording popped up in the comments to an old PDD post — “Treatment Bound” — but it seems as if it warrants its own post.
Here’s the new video featuring Duluth band Red Mountain. The group’s album Scowl Lightly, will be released by Chaperone Records on Dec. 6.
The dancers are Erin Tope, Maeggie Licht and Grace Holden. The video was produced by Lakefront Films.
Here’s a sampling of what you have to look forward to this week on the PDD Calendar.
What’s that high pitched sound coming from Sacred Heart tonight? That would be the Vienna Boys Choir.
What would you do if you found a spiral notebook containing a harsh, vindictive and poorly spelled 20 page break up letter? Turn it into a one act play with original music by Brian Ring? That’s what Jonathan Manchester did and Everything You’ve Done That Hurt Me opens this Thursday at the Teatro Zuccone and runs for two weekends.
All the people are going to be “nice-sicle” on Friday for the annual Christmas City of the North Parade and that means, yep, you can start tracking Christmas events on the calendar, including Pepperkakebyen, the Festival of Trees and the opening of Bentleyville, all this week. Leave all the grinchy comments you desire below.
To work off that rage, you can go to Shine Mixed Martial Arts at Clyde Iron on Saturday or go across the bridge and shoot something. Don’t you feel better now?
So what are you doing this week? Can we tag along? Any upcoming events that you want to promote? Let us know.
My interview with John appeared in this week’s Reader, but you can see more of his photography in conjunction with part one of the story at Ennyman’s Territory.
The new issue of Birds & Blooms (cover date: Dec/Jan) features this image of a blue moon boreal owl shot by Duluth’s Ken Greshowak.
Hello fellow Duluthians. ‘Tis a sad day on Park Point. It appears another round of robberies has occurred. I had a bicycle stolen out of my garage last night. Pretty ballsy I must say, the thing didn’t even have flat pedals so I am surprised they were able to get off with it. Anywho, if you happen to spot a red Masi Randonneur with a leather saddle, front racks and goofy swept leather handlebars around town, please be so kind as to shoot me a message.
Cash reward for any info, and on account of being a bicycle mechanic, free tuneups for a lifetime!
Justin 218-310-7961
Proctor’s football team plays St. Croix Lutheran in the AAA semifinal game today at 2 p.m. You can watch live from the Channel 45 internet stream. Good luck Rails!
Watch Tourney Live Now – Click Here
Update: St. Croix Lutheran won the game 3-0, kicking a field goal with six seconds left.
The Northshore streams are starting to ice over. The sunshine of the past few days have made them even more magical. In this short time lapse video taken Thursday afternoon, 10 minutes are reduced to 15 seconds. Enjoy some serenity on Amity Creek.