October 2013 Posts

This week: things that go bump in the night which lasts one hour longer due to shifting back to standard time


Here’s a sampling of what you have to look forward to this week on the PDD Calendar.

Halloween is upon us in full force! How do you celebrate? Where are you going or what are you doing this year? Any costume pics you want to share?

There are a few things going on this week that aren’t directly related to Halloween.

Undecided about how you are going to vote in the City Council race? There is a City Council Candidate Forum at City Hall on Tuesday.

Renegade‘s Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson, a rock musical about our 7th President, opens at Teatro Zuccone this Thursday and runs for three weekends.

You can have breakfast in a bank vault on Friday at the Torrey Building because … reasons.

While you are at All Souls Night at the Depot on Saturday, that laughter you will be hearing from below you in The Underground will be from Rubber Chicken‘s Live Read of the Princess Bride.

And you get an extra hour to sleep in on Sunday because of the time change. Don’t forget to “fall back” an hour.

So what are you doing this week? Can we tag along? Any upcoming events that you want to promote? Let us know.

Probably the last Superior Hiking Trail post of 2013 … but we’ll see

I’m not sure if this is called Fox Farm Pond or Paisley Pond or both, but it’s funky as hell.

R.I.P. Lou Reed

His death is locally relevant, since he wrote Perfect Duluth Day’s unofficial theme song.

Scary Duluth Basements

There are so many potentially creepy houses in Duluth, especially along Greysolon Road. Aren’t you just dying to know what’s in the basement? Could be catacombs of dead people you weren’t aware of, or an ancient demon perhaps.

Rooms can be very difficult to photograph, but post your photos/video tours here anyway. If you think the space is creepy but the photo doesn’t convey it, feel free to add some description as to why this place is so dreadfully scary.

And now a commercial break … from 1993

Here’s a block of 1993 Duluth-related television commercials, because, as noted before on this site, commercials stop being annoying and turn into cheesy little historical treasures when they get old.

The lineup includes: Daugherty’s, Republic Bank, Duke Skorich Assignment: Serbia/Croatia, Minnesota Surplus, KBJR 6 News: The Team to Watch, Floor to Ceiling Store, Menards and Bullyan Recreation Center.

College of St. Scholastica hiring director of academic technologies and online learning

The director of academic technologies and online learning will provide the college with strategic leadership at the intersection of pedagogy and technology. He or she will develop and implement distinctive and emerging strategies for technology-enhanced face-to-face, blended, and online learning. The role will collaborate with faculty and staff to create an online teaching and learning environment that reflects the college’s Learning Outcomes, Catholic Benedictine heritage, the college’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, and ensures the academic rigor and quality of brand through meaningful assessment, emphasizing active learning and incorporating appropriate instructional technologies.

Compensation: $70s per year

View full position listing

New Album from Ryan Van Slooten

Hey everyone, my new album “Victory March” is finally available! It was recorded at Sacred Heart with Jake Larson over this past summer and I am incredibly happy and proud to share it with all of you. If you have a second to check it out, please click the link below. There was a slight delay on getting it up onto iTunes, Amazon, etc., but it should only be a few more days before that’s done. Thank you so much for your support! Ryan Van Slooten BandCamp Profile

Does anybody know of any West Junior High yearbooks?

I’m looking for a yearbook from West Junior High from around the year 1938. I’ve checked DPL and all round the school district. I’m wondering if anybody has one laying around in an attic somewhere.

Gripes about the cost of internet in Duluth/Superior

Well, it turns out the discounted internet I’ve been getting from Charter (for the past 10 years) came to an end. Unless you are a new customer or have the “triple pay” it costs like $58/mo. I don’t need 30mpbs, 10mpbs is fine for what I do … and would happily pay $30/mo for it.

Poll: Best Restaurant for Vegetarians

There are no strictly vegetarian restaurants in the Duluth area, but there are a few that go out of their way to provide good vegetarian options on their menus. Which ones are the best? That’s for you to decide. So we ask …

What is the best Duluth-area restaurant for vegetarians?

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This poll is now closed. The restaurants advancing to the final round are At Sara’s Table / Chester Creek Café and Duluth Grill.

Facebook and Twitter Login on PDD

There were problems this week with the WordPress plugin that allows PDD users to log in via Facebook. In geek speak: “Facebook changed its API login procedures, which broke the plugin.”

We have a new plugin running now, so, if you are the sort to log in via Facebook instead of creating a PDD account the old fashioned way, please give it a try and let us know if you have problems. The new plugin also allows logins through Twitter. (If you are not logged in you can click either social icon below to launch. If you are logged in, you won’t see icons below.)

A few polls opened this week that those of you who log in with Facebook had been excluded from until now. They are still open, so there’s still time for that.

Note: Logging in will not allow you to purchase health insurance from Perfect Duluth Day.

Lost Chihuahua in Central Hillside

Black-and-white spotted chihuahua. Long hair. Black ears. Goes by the name Finn. Lost near 16th Avenue East and Fourth Street, around 8:45 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 24.

She pulled out of her collar, so no leash or collar. If found please call Brooke at 218-591-5590 or Pat at 218-343-5675.

Glensheen’s Spooktacular Tips

You probably know that Glensheen is hosting a display of 1,000 Jack O’ Lanterns starting tonight. It’s a gorgeous presentation and it’s one of those few events that is actually fun for adults, as well as children. No trick or treatin’, no costumes – it’s more a visual celebration of autumn.

But, PDD’rs here’s a little inside baseball for you.

– Try to walk if you can; parking in the Glensheen lot is a bear. There’s construction going on that’s taking up part of an already smallish lot.

SATURDAY ONLY: There’s a shuttle from UMD’s Lot W running about every 20 minutes.

City proposal to privatize 17 Park Point street-ends?

I’m wondering if anyone has heard of the city proposal to “privatize” 17 Park Point street-ends? Maybe this is old news?

Below is a letter from Dawn Buck, president of the Park Point Community Club, from this month’s Breeze of Park Point newsletter:

Where in Duluth? “Thou Shalt Not Steal”

Where in Duluth?