Looking for our next great project!

My fiancé and I just moved to town, and we’d love to get connected with a community of folks working to do good things.  Helping people breath life into their dreams is what we do, and we’ve got a whole arsenal of skills at your disposal.  We just finished starting a distillery up in Leadville, Colorado, and we’re looking for our next project!

Our focus is making a difference. We take on projects that make a real contribution – improving the lives of individuals/families/organizations and enriching the community. It’s an incredible experience to work with people who are passionate about what they do! If you know of any individuals/organizations who could use a hand in bringing good things into being … we’d love to hear about it!  You can post a response or contact us directly at christina.nohre @ gmail.com.

Management Skills & IT
Website building for small businesses and training
Creating marketing campaigns for print/television
POS system installation and customization, staff training
Cutting through red tape, government applications, federal permitting
Video shooting/editing and kickstarter know-how
Database administration
Writing business plans
Creating bids, buying supplies, negotiating prices
Managing contracts and working with inspectors

Design/Build Skills & Remodeling
Framing, insulating, drywall
Faux finishes, painting, texturizing
Building cabinetry and furniture
Installing custom countertop and flooring
Basic plumbing and electrical work
Cement work, troweling and floating
Landscaping, irrigation system repair

Off the Beaten Path Skills . . .
Chinese (Mandarin) language teaching
Martial Arts training
Distillery building and TTB permitting
Commercial Prop building


Soren d'Hillside

about 11 years ago

I'd like a garage built for our house on the hillside.


about 11 years ago

You've probably already heard of Duluth's distillery startup, Vikre Distillery.

Soren d'Hillside

about 11 years ago

To clarify and to make this garage project more appealing and eligible for grants and low-interest financing, the third stall would be outfitted as a neighborhood woodcraft shop and distillery.

Soren d'Hillside

about 11 years ago

Considering the dearth of alterative proposals, when do we begin?

[email protected]

about 11 years ago

I'm guessing this is an advertisement for services, but in case I misread it, here is the Minnesota Council of Non-Profits, which has a Northeast area/division that may help you network appropriately: http://www.minnesotanonprofits.org/


about 11 years ago

Soren, check out the film Young Adult.  Patton Oswalt has an excellent distillery set up in his garage. That's the look you should go for, I think.

Soren d'Hillside

about 11 years ago

Thank you, Emmadogs, for the great idea! I had been planning to replicate the Breaking Bad distillery here on my Hillside alley, but I'm going to go with your suggestion.

IF, that is, that this flies with my funding agents and sponsors, Christina and fianc_.

Speaking of whom, I haven't heard from them s

Soren d'Hillside

about 11 years ago

ince I  sent my £18,000 personal performance cheque to their London bank account.

I hope nothing untoward has happened.


about 11 years ago

Holy shit! You guys helped with Two Guns? That place is amazing. I live in Denver and every day I wish I was drinking moonshine in Leadville. Hope you find another cool project to work on.

Soren d'Hillside

about 11 years ago

Thank you maria. You've restored my confidence in this team.

Christina Louise Nohre

about 11 years ago

Hey, a big thanks to all the fine folks who got in touch with us!  We've met some really incredible people, and I just can't tell you how much we appreciate the warm welcome to Duluth!  

The idea for this post stemmed from our experience of really becoming part of a community back in Colorado.  It was pretty incredible to have that kind of connection, and we wanted to be more proactive this time in working to build it.  I think a big part of creating that is having something to bring to the table, which is why I included some of our skills/areas of knowledge.  

Soren d'Hillside:  We appreciate your sense of humor!
JohnBearGrease:  Thanks for the heads up on Vikre - we'll definitely check it out!
Rhetoricguy: Appreciate the suggestion, but we were after something other than networking.
Maria:  Awesome!!  We love that you had a blast up at Two Guns!

Soren d'Hillside

about 11 years ago

Christina, you plural are most kind to this silly pest.

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