Changes to Arrowhead Regional Arts Grants

There are major changes coming in grant funding in the arts in our region. This notice will help explain some of them.

July 26, 2013 has come and gone at the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council

Our first ARAC deadline has passed for this fiscal year (FY2014) and we received approximately 40 new applications in our Art Project, Arts Learning, and (new) Tech/Equipment Grant programs. Thank you for your applications.

Some ambiguous information about grant reviews and approvals exists, so this email offers accurate dates that will be in effect the rest of this July 2013 – June 2014 Fiscal Year.

Art Project Grants & Community Arts Learning Grants will be reviewed and approved by the ARAC Board on Thursday, September 19, 2013. Funds will be available as of October 1, 2013.

Tech/Equipment Grants will be reviewed in early October – a date will be announced soon – then approved by the Board on Thursday, October 17, 2013. Funds will be available as of November 1, 2013.

There are no deadlines for any regular ARAC grant programs during August and September, 2013.

The next deadline will be
Friday, October 25, 2013, and the following applications will be due:
Rural & Community Project Grants
Two-Year Operating Support Grants
Individual Career Development Grants

Guidelines are currently unavailable, but will be revised and posted as we move into August. Links to guidelines will be activated on just as soon as they are ready.

If we are on schedule, these October applications will need to be submitted on-line through the Grant Lifecycle Manager program. Check the ARAC website as we get closer to the deadline.

The Career Development Grants will be reviewed early in January, 2014, and the Rural & Community Grants and the Two-Year Operating Support Grants will be reviewed, and all these grants will be approved at the January 26, 2014 Board meeting. Funds will be available as of February 1, 2014.

As a reminder, for the next two fiscal years, ARAC will have only four calendar grant deadlines per year, being the last Friday of July, October, January, and April, respectively. The exception will continue to be the Quickstart Opportunity Grant, with an open application format.

All these grants have new components for you to observe. Please look closely; contact the ARAC office with your questions.

Looking at changes further out:

January 31, 2014 deadline includes:

Art Project Grants
Community Arts Learning Grants
Tech/Equipment Grants

April 25, 2014 deadline includes:

Rural & Community Project Grants
Career Development Grants
ARAC/McKnight Artist Fellowship Grant

Thank you for your support of all ARAC grant programs.
These announcements will keep you as current as possible in this year scheduled for considerable change.

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