Oh boy! Another Open Mic! But this one’s outside by the lake!
Tonight, from 6 to 9 p.m., there will be an open mic at Leif Erikson Park, specifically meeting at the stone stage. Any short content is welcome, original material encouraged, but whatever you wish to share is fine.
I’d initially recommend 10 to 15 minutes or less of material; sign up sheet depends on turnout. It will be more informal if it’s a small group, and there will be more time available per person of course, but for a larger group there will be a sign-up sheet — probably 5- to 15-minute blocks so folks can either take 15ish or take multiple 5-minute slots if they’d rather stagger pieces/performances.
It’s intended to more informal, no chairs (you can bring one, of course) and likely no electronic amplification/p.a. My thoughts are that it’ll be a small group and we can probably just sit on the stage or grass like hippies and take turns doing our stuff.
It’d be great to see these continue happening in outside public spaces as long as the weather is favorable, possibly continuing at Leif Erikson or switching things up depending on what people want to do. I very much wish for this to be more community driven than organized by myself.
I am also trying to gather an informal group of creative sorts to attempt to have more artsy/poetry/suchlike events/actions in the area, things that interest me personally are the reclamation/use of public spaces or spaces that should be ours but have perhaps been overrun by advertising or other things not generated by the community/ordinary citizens, and finding creative ways of bringing attention to social justice issues and the general notion of people realizing we’re all humans and we should strive to be supportive and kind to one another. But again, I hope there will be a community coming together to drive what happens.
There is currently a Facebook page under the name Contemplate.Community as well as an event page for tomorrow night, also you can contact me/us at contemplate.community @ gmail.com
Thanks for reading! I look forward to folks sharing their creativity and their ideas!
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about 12 years ago