To the OG PDDers

On this 10th anniversary of the first PDD post, I would like to thank the original members of Perfect Duluth Day who were there at the start, helping to transform this site from a mere idea to what it’s become today:

Nick, Jim Richardson, ianjk, c-freak, cheap brown sweater, Paul, Loving Hands Massage, Jadin M. Hanson, Ms Misplaced, …, angelina, leifjohn, marie, terese, Tim, DharmaChic and then some, baci, brave_burrito, Princess Wild Cow, ubergizmo,, starfire, tamara, Kelly Boed, brain, MDR, St.G, ann klefstad, Sjixxy, Gia, Lisa, Randy, Ca-chee, JJLee, Lumpy G, Lefty, pansy, John, edgewood, Karina, buttercup, CLH, brent, amy, Brad, godsey, ericswan, sonya, brad, Chip, Cory, O’Malley, zoey, James, bryan, The Cheat, maria, Bron Bronkowski, Chris, Dana, Meghann, Purple, Melanie, David, August, laura, Laurie, WC, adam, susi, Aaron, Cameron, Suzanne, Casey, Castiron rabbit, Chase, Ben, Gwanto, evil_midnight_blogger_what_blogs_at_midnight, Allen, Beau, Jake, Bob, james, jonswan, Ironic1, scrubby, josh, Nate, Brenda, Carla, predicate nominative, -berv, MEg, Lindquist, chrisvisitor, Penguin, Kitty Brand, Mike, cork1, rollergirl, neal, P.F., Kelly:), DJ Disturbance, Tomasz, Jimmy Myers, AKA, Adam, PTduluthian, Thommy, Sam, Ramos, Arctic18cat, dr_thunder, ZB, jeffy, wmeier71, Joe, Cody, Sir.Mandrake, phlebotomist7,, CocaColaQueen, pixelEngine, De Man, pnetz, bpetersen, Vicarious, coldwaterz, michelle, gialyn, kk hodgins, hunterfoo, nyennui, bob pokorney, ILuvDuluth, lithis, Pete, Russell, Delilah, rory, Nathan Ness, (flat)eric, MuseNote, jennie b, Jamie, tremolite, mavis, carrie, annie-mosity, Lauren, budb, nat x, Wulfgar, JL, Tom Ward, wordsandpictures, whiteplasticcoaster, Jeff, Veri, sophia, Johnhenry, James Monte, the Hillside Stranger, Donny, lightning_guitar_solo, Hotter@Frankies, _|_|_, sleeper, Scott, Gritherness, ms dean, marjotheobese, JesseBC, jello-pop, matt_o, PaulBroman, cheeseblog, Mike, waveview, jarosi, Heather, KOTB, dolphynblue, KDOG, MH, oldoldoldoldoldoldoldoldold, watersfly, cocksauce, greensky, Rph, Jonathan, Vern, witrak, chicafancy, Kitsune, polaroidbaby, beret, RightElbow, Jazadah, aaron, …rtn, twistythistle, Mary S-B, and Blisstr



about 12 years ago

I stumbled across PDD when I was living in MPLS, considering a move to Duluth. PDD helped  convince me.

I moved initially into Emerson, then Washington, and now Starfire is my landlord. 

So, that all makes me feel very Duluthy.


about 12 years ago

I am out of town and barely within Internet range.  Thank you for letting me have an outlet to connect with friends I have never even met, but trust to keep me in tune with our beautiful city and our excellent people.  You guys are great, PDD staff and posters alike.  I like you and thank you for connecting me to my city.

Okay, I online fondly love you.  I better go cry.

P.s.  Go Ramos and Herzog!

Jim Richardson

about 12 years ago

I'd like to formally  apologize for those times on PDD when I was an insufferable jackass. Pretty much every post I guess. I blame Starfire for getting me involved in the first place when he hung up a flyer about it at the old Co-op nigh on 10 years ago.

Les L

about 12 years ago

Well, I left Duluth on April 28, 1972. I was born here in 1943. Served in the U.S.Navy for four years returned home. Worked at U.S. Steel in the blast furnace, later at Halvorson Equipment. My grandparents Maternal and Paternal) came here from Norway in 1910. I've never returned for a multitude of reasons, retired from the Federal Government after 37 years and live near the Gulf of Mexico. I haven't shoveled snow since the spring of 1972 and have never looked back. It was once a great town of over 100,000 population. 

I have fond memories, but the relatives and friends visit us to get away from Duluth during the winter months.

I enjoy your website and read it regularly. Thanks for putting it up for all of us to enjoy.


about 12 years ago

Did we ever figure out who evil_midnight_blogger_what_blogs_at_midnight was?


about 12 years ago

I'm sorry I missed the party today, There was just no time to squeeze it in. Hopefully it was a blast. The website sure has grown over the years. Thanks to all the past and present admins who keep it rolling.


about 12 years ago

I would like to point out that the first two archived PDD posts are:

1. Barrett posting nerdy tech things
2. Starfire posting about drinking


about 12 years ago

My first post was an early summer day in 2004. It was about flying a kite on Park Point.

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