The Two Faces of Al Franken


Minnesota Senator Al Franken loves Big Brother.



about 12 years ago

Forgive me if I am wrong, but isn't having knowledge of something and approving of something two different things?


about 12 years ago


The Prize Is Lobster

about 12 years ago

The cutest part of your post is how you included the big blue arrow to point out how big of a hypocrite any Democrat is for changing their opinion on NSA while overlooking that Republican support has oddly tilted on this since its in Obama's lap.


about 12 years ago

Great example of how the fiery rhetoric of the outsider changes to the bland bureaucratic mumble of the insider.


about 12 years ago

Lobster- The arrow was already on the graph in this article by Glen Greenwald, who broke the story, and pointed out:

"The most vocal media critics of our NSA reporting, and the most vehement defenders of NSA surveillance, have been, by far, Democratic (especially Obama-loyal) pundits. As I've written many times, one of the most significant aspects of the Obama legacy has been the transformation of Democrats from pretend-opponents of the Bush War on Terror and National Security State into their biggest proponent..."

The Prize Is Lobster

about 12 years ago

Nonetheless the point remains: People twist their opinions on things if it aligns with their party support...which is unfortunate.


about 12 years ago

Funny how that graphic just refers to the overall view of NSA surveillance programs and omits the fact that there are versions of these surveillance programs that differ significantly on how they function and who they are allowed to target. 

The NSA surveillance that was being discussed in 2006 is significantly different than the one that is being discussed now, so the comparison is apples and oranges. 

And why are you simply attacking democrats on this one? Why make this a divisive issue? Most of us are in the middle and loathe to align our beliefs with a single side of the aisle, but then people come out with these posts that try to vilify one side of the political landscape when both sides guilty of the EXACT same behavior.


about 12 years ago

Dorkus, as it's a given that most Republicans at the national level are proto-fascist creeps, I thought it was important to point out that many Democrats are also in bed with the Security-State. I didn't mean to be divisive. We've been sold out by both wings of the Corporatist Party. Not sure if that view puts me in "the middle." Oh well.


about 12 years ago

Business as usual.

The two party system is a farce.

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