June 2013 Posts

Grandma’s Marathon 2013 Double: Embrace the Suck

Eric Strand embarks on his second annual 52.4-mile journey from the finish line to the starting line to the finish line of Grandma’s Marathon.

Video Archive: Duluth Kiss Concert

Yes, it’s the TV ad promoting the Kiss concert at the DECC Arena in 1990, a topic also covered in a post from six years ago.

Duluth Shark Infestation

Broken campaign promise by Mayor Ness exposed! End the cover-up!!

Post-PDDX Banners

Back in April we announced that we’d be retiring all of the old banners. Well, the day has come, happy birthday to us, and sayonara to the old banners. Welcome the new, fresh banners. The old banners have been archived on Google Plus.

Proclamation (official and certified)

Whereas, the only logical way to make an official proclamation regarding PDD is to post it on the PDD site, and

Whereas, there is ten years worth of history that is both well-documented and too boring to include in an already too boring proclamation, and

To the OG PDDers

On this 10th anniversary of the first PDD post, I would like to thank the original members of Perfect Duluth Day who were there at the start, helping to transform this site from a mere idea to what it’s become today:

Happy tenth birthday to us

august-harry-potter barrett-chase beverly

Where in Duluth?


This one seems to have the Where in Duluth? Facebook group stumped. I’ve been kind of stingy with hints, though. I’ll tell you what I told them: 1) It’s outside. 2) It’s farther west than Kemps Dairy in the West End.

Ok … go!

Ground Zero: Duluth’s Battle Against Synthetic Drugs

I wanted to share this documentary with anyone who is interested in viewing it. The film is 25 minutes and takes an objective look at the synthetic drug problem in town. I have put it together over the past year and a half, and while the situation is still ongoing, I think it does a good job of educating the viewers on the toll this issue has had on the different people involved with the issue.

The Economics of Sulfide Mining: Benefits and Costs

This address was given by Dr. Tom Power, Professor Emeritus at the University of Montana about a week ago in Duluth.

Ye Olde Corner Grocery

The latest posting at the Duluth Public Library’s Reference@Duluth blog is a look at a few of the lost corner grocery stores of Duluth.

Actual Wolf – “Kerosene and Spark”

[This post originally contained an embedded video that is no longer available at its source.]

Video by Nicholas Sunsdahl.

Derelict Houses

We’ve got two derelict houses (on one lot) next door. According to our landlord, they are owned by the city. They have some interesting tenants: a flock of pigeons, a family of raccoons and the largest skunk I have ever seen. When that bad boy goes walking past my bedroom window … oof.

We would like to ask the city to raze the buildings and put in community garden space, but I’m really not sure who I should call to get this going. Any ideas?

A Night of Awesome in Duluth

Monday was awesome.

Duluth sanitary sewer repair estimate

So we received a while back information telling us that we would need to repair our existing sewer line because of inflow and infiltration along with other neighbors. The city of Duluth does provide a grant for these projects (80 percent of $4,000 to $5,000). We were looking at lining the sewer line rather than excavating it.

However, we called the same company (they were the lowest bidder for the project) as our neighbors did and got an estimate that was nearly $2,500 more than the estimate they gave them!!!

I’m sure others in Duluth have dealt with this, or are dealing with the same situation as myself. Ideally I would like to get a ballpark figure of the expense and the company any of you chose for this project. Needless to say we will be calling around.