April 2013 Posts

Breaking News: Hobo Nephews team up with Chaperone Records

[This post originally contained an embedded video that is no longer available at its source.]

Google Fiber (Austin, TX)

Google Fiber – Duluth, it looks like your next best bet will be Austin, TX. You should consider moving there. I’ll help you pack.

Via Ars Technica.

R.I.P. Molly Spaun

DNT: Owner of Superior’s legendary Molly’s Tavern dies

TBT at 10

As a companion piece to “Low at 20,” we congratulate Trampled by Turtles on 10 years together as a band. It was a wild night at Symphony Hall.

Images in this post are via Zach Kerola Photography.

This Week in LakeVoice News

LakeVoice News’ sixth issue of the spring features stories on Native American housing in Duluth, Renegade Improvisation at the Teatro Zuccone and Pak’s Green Corner’s innovative culinary creations. Also, listen to an audio piece about Meghan, who works for the Incline Bowling Station, and a take a look at a photo story of Lake Superior Zoo’s EGG-Stravaganza.

Duluth Snowboarding Crashes Video

While filming for our last snowboarding video we gathered some great crash footage! Enjoy! Video by Higher Base Media.

Fever Dream – “You’re a Heart Attack”

Homegrown Rawk and/or Roll: Jerree Small’s Mix

It’s the biggest bonanza of free local music downloads … evah! The new compilation from the Homegrown Music Festival featuring tracks selected by Miss Jerree Small is available now on Bandcamp, and when you follow that little link you’ll see all the previous Homegrown compilations are available as well. The option to pay a little something is there if you are loaded and want to support the festival; you must “name your price,” and $0.00 is completely acceptable. You are welcome. Thank you, fans!

Help us map Duluth’s media ecosystem

I teach journalism at UMD and one of the things I’m interested in is learning how information flows through a community. I’m writing to ask for your help with a project.

Homegrown Band Publicity Photo Showdown: Semifinals (pt. 1)

With the Homegrown Music Festival coming up PDD launched a series of polls eight weeks ago, tournament style, to determine which Duluth-area band has the sweetest pic. This week we begin the semifinal round.

Low – “Plastic Cup” and “Holy Ghost” (Live on Soundcheck)

Dirty Knobs – “La Tortue Diabolique”

From the banjo capital of the world (Duluth, Minnesota, USA) comes the newest banjo sensation Banjrone (banjo drone). The sound of a herd of turtles racing across the world, risking their lives, “trampling” all in their path.

This week: turtles, violence and geeks


Here’s a sampling of what you have to look forward to this week on the PDD Calendar.

Tickets go on sale today at 10 a.m. for this summer’s Tall Ships Festival.

On Tuesday you can attend a panel discussion on Community Perspectives on Violence in America at UMD.

Trampled by Turtles plays the DECC on Thursday.

Tim Eriksen plays Beaner’s on Friday and then leads a shape note singing workshop on Saturday at the Duluth Friends Meetinghouse.

Get your geek on at the Geek Prom on Saturday at the newest venue in Duluth, the Underground at the Depot.

So what are you doing this week? Can we tag along? Any upcoming events that you want to promote? Let us know.