Chipotle coming to the Twin Ports! (?)

I have it on decent authority that work is being done right now to bring four or five Chipotle restaurants to the Twin Ports area. My source says that one of the stores is destined for Cloquet and the rest are going to be in Duluth/Superior.

I won’t get too excited until the doors open, but I think many will agree that this is a long time coming for this area. No more trips south just to get a burrito (yes, I’ve done that).


Lawrence Lee

about 12 years ago

I remain skeptical. I've heard rumors like this before and it never amounted to boo. 

It would make sense, though, that as my daughter (who loves Chipotle more than anyone has a right to) gets ready to leave Duluth for college in the fall that a Chipotle would open up here.


about 12 years ago

Color me somewhat dubious, but this rumor may speak to that southwestern color scheme on the recently renovated gas station on the corner of St. Marie & Woodland.

Paul Lundgren

about 12 years ago

I can't decide whether I am more amused by the people who get super excited about a chain burrito joint or the people who get super upset about people who get super excited about a chain burrito joint. 

Anyway, it's nice to get this year's edition of Chipotle ranting out of the way.


about 12 years ago

Chipotle A. Doesn't tend to go out of business after two months of being open B. Serves local meats and stuff C. Is fresh/ better than pretty much all other chains combined. Anyone who says different is operating out of their stuffymouthhole/might as well bitch about all the other places/ wouldn't know a good burrito if it bit them of the ass/is payed off by the Swedish Mafia.

I hate WacRonalds more than most, but this would be a Godsend to the Norwegian Riviera.


about 12 years ago

+1 Lundgren.

Brandon M.

about 12 years ago

Insert stereotypical Q'Doba is better comment.

It really is, but that's my opinion. Personally, I like the local Border Grill chain found in the U.P.


about 12 years ago

Regardless of whether this international corporate chain comes to Duluth or not, I will still be found eating at local-owned, community restaurants.


about 12 years ago

Look, I really don't care that much about Chiportal or any other chainhole.  I really don't. But it's stupid to bitch about Chipotle and not throw Johnson Controls in there while yer at it.  Limes are proof God loves us. 

Minus One Guggemos.  Show us you're capable of more than three words.

Terry G.

about 12 years ago

Whether or not you choose to like Chipotle's food is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. These days, it's one of the barometers of a city's appeal. I've actually heard people say that they'd relocate to Duluth if it had a Pottery Barn, Chipotle and ______ insert chain here.


about 12 years ago

Regardless of the merit of Chipotle, I'm not sure I'd trust someone who says they would move to a given area based on what chain stories/restaurants they have.

[email protected]

about 12 years ago

I respect anyone who eats local at restaurants that pay a living wage or at least offer sick time, use locally sourced ingredients...

With just those two criteria, I have ruled out nearly everything in Canal Park and downtown, including some beloved local favorites.

It's not about avoiding sin;  it's about accepting which sin you commit...


about 12 years ago

My insert here to Terry G. includes a Granite City and Trader Joes.

Jim Richardson

about 12 years ago

+1 adam, moosetracks, edgeways


about 12 years ago

Ooh.  Another restaurant I won't patronize when I visit.  Wonderful.


about 12 years ago

I am ambvilent about whether Chipotle comes here. But I can essentially guarantee (based on heavy experience at both) that it would be fresher, faster, yummier, and cheaper then Burrito Union. Can we all agree that the only reason to eat at BU is for the beer? Yes, we can.

The Prize Is Lobster

about 12 years ago

Most that I've been to tend to stay busy whether in suburb or actual city, so I'd assume they put a lot of research into where they set up shop. I'd guess if they do expand up there it'd be high traffic areas like Canal Park or Miller Trunk initially...but I too have heard this rumor kicked around for a while.

about 12 years ago

The Burrito Union has food?

The Big E

about 12 years ago

I stayed when the Gap left.  It's been hard, yes, but somehow I carry on.


about 12 years ago

Every time they emailed me I would reply that they need to come to Duluth. Every time I was in the cities I would bring back my favorite burrito in a bowl with the tortilla on the side. My wife worked there in college and could reassemble my burrito for me at home. This is what I have waited for 9 years in Duluth for. Please say this is a reality! I thought Jalapeno Express was decent, but BU is too watery and never any good. I hope I am not getting my hopes up, but this is awesome news. Chipotle makes the best burritos hands down. I'm all about being a local snob about stuff, but you haven't lived till you've eaten a chicken fajita burrito... Getting hungry just dreaming about it.


about 12 years ago

I can agree. Burrito Union burritos are pretty bad.Had a two-fisted fish burrito delivered to work recently. I would estimate it was 5% fish and 85% rice, the other 10% was salsa.  

If you are going to overcharge for your food, at least give us good portions of what we want in our damn burrito. Never had a problem like that at the Brewhouse or Tycoons.


At least Lindo's is still around, though they should have turned Jalapeno Express into a food cart.

Oh, and if Chipotle moves into town, I will likely go crazy from all the people pronouncing it "Chi-pol-te"


about 12 years ago

I love Mexican and make a mean taco at home -- organic beef naturally and do the soft and hard shell combo (thank you Taco John's of Duluth circa 1980s).

I've never been to Chi-poat-lay and wasn't even pronouncing it correctly until I watched the Nightline video (it's great, especially if, like me, you like happy pigs) on their website.

But I see there are six restaurants near me in central and inner London. Gotta go and see what all the fuss is about and hopefully the U District 55812 will get one soon.


about 12 years ago

Rhetoric Guy, 

Valid points. Local is not always "better" for the community than a chain if you are looking at the big picture. 


I have lived here most of my life and would not even leave if we did not get a Chipotle. If a Chipotle opened, I would go and get my veggie burrito bowl and be happy, but I would be just fine if it did not come. Over the years Old Navy, Starbucks, Cold Stone, and Noodles all opened in the area, which is nice, but there was something about the absence factor that gave me an appreciation for those chains that I could frequent only on trips South of Duluth that is lost when we have "everything." 

A Chipotle would do well here; many of our college students come from the Twin Cities and I am sure they would frequent it just as much as in other cities. And someone above said it well, that Chipotle tends not to go out of business after two months like so, so, so many local spots have done lately. Are business owners not doing their market research, or what is the cause of the opening and closing of restaurants left and right? Do we need Chef Gordon Ramsey?


about 12 years ago

At least we have Chief Gordon Ramsey...


about 12 years ago

Meh. Tell me that a Cafe Rio (From Utah) is opening and I'll start dancing. Mmmm ... pork salad!!!


about 12 years ago

Dim Sum Dim Sum Dim Sum Dim Sum Dim Sum Dim Sum Dim Sum Dim Sum Dim Sum Dim Sum Dim Sum Dim Sum


about 12 years ago

As long as I can get some Cipotlaway, I won't complain.

Paul Lundgren

about 12 years ago

I like Baci's idea, but something tells me Dim Sum wouldn't quite work in Duluth as an every-day restaurant. Maybe an existing restaurant having "Dim Sum Saturdays" would work, though. But we digress.


about 12 years ago

If we call the Dim Sum place "Meat in Pockets" would that be a turn off? We could Do ravioli, pirogi too. On a lexical side note, ya gotta like any food that's pre-pluralized.

Re;Chipolte, in the words of 8-Ball Delux,  "quit talkin' and start chalkin'"


about 12 years ago

Never been to Chipotle, don't know what all the fuss is about. Give me a hole-in-the-wall taqueria in San Diego anyday. I actually like BU -- love their chicken quesadillas with the charred tomatillo salsa. With beer.

I try to keep it local.


about 12 years ago

Claire, Sysco Food Distributors are not local.


about 12 years ago

Thank you all for this thread. I can't decide whether it is more like some kind of parody from The Onion: Duluth hipsters debate rumor of Chipotle opening; or if it is more akin to the viral sensation of a review of the new Olive Garden in Grand Forks, which was shared nearly 50,000 times on Facebook (and 445 on Google plus, which is equally impressive). 

What I want to know is when Rosie's taco truck is going to open again. ... Yes, one of my students wrote that article.

The Prize Is Lobster

about 12 years ago

Aw, come on. It's a valid conversation about further development in Duluth, which is a positive thing. 

Chipotle is good for sure. No, it's not the do all be all of Mexican food ... but your options are fairly limited throughout Minnesota save a few pockets like Lake St in Mpls and Cesar Chavez St in St Paul.

[email protected]

about 12 years ago

To love Chipotle is to give up on the idea that it is "Mexican Food."  It is tasty food for a great price, but it is not Mexican Food.


Claire, you break my heart.  But vicarious has it right:  too many local favorites like BU are "Perkins-ingredients sold with a local-ownership premium."  And at least some employees at Perkins earn a 401k, health insurance, vacation and sick time -- something that I'd bet doesn't get extended to many employees of these local restaurants.  

There are some local restaurants that do it right, or at least better -- the Duluth Grill amazes me every day, and Zeitgeist does it better, too.  But locally owned is not enough to get my money.


John is confused.  There are no hipsters in Duluth!


about 12 years ago

I spend a lot of time at Zeitgeist. And I do love the Duluth Grill .... their fish tacos are the best in town. But, I am sorry, I do like BU. You can't convince me Sysco is making that yum-a-delicious charred tomatillo salsa.


about 12 years ago

I wish for La Cucaracha Norte.


about 12 years ago

@ rhetoricguy 

Going off of the living wage idea, do you patronize local retail businesses that do not pay a living wage?  I have worked a few locally-owned small businesses and none of them have paid something I could survive solely on.


about 12 years ago

I had a conversation with the La Cucaracha owner recently, about all the stages they went through over the years.  At one point they had wandered into some quality control issues and their food had become bad, so they decided to poll their customers and asked what they wanted.  The results were unanimous, quality/fresh/local...

So what you get now when you go there, is because they had the brains to listen to the customers.  It's amazing looking at the changes over the last decade, that organics/local foods are actually making a lot of progress toward becoming mainstream, albeit have a long way to go.  People are becoming more aware of the issues.  I grew up on partially hydrogenated corn syrup sandwiches and am envious of children nowadays who have moms who know better.  Chipolty is better than Arbies/Subway/Wendys/Hardees etc, by a green mile.  It's a miracle they don't sell burglers. Be thankful for that.  Thank Morgan Spurlock.


about 12 years ago

Rhetoricguy, there are people at your own place of employment who don't get the benefits you enumerate. There have been instructors in your own department who've had to use food stamps.

about 12 years ago

If you'll walk down 14th ave on a regular basis at about 7:45, you'll occasionally have to walk around the Sysco truck that's pulled in behind the Union...

They may or may not supply the salsa, but what they serve ain't always fresh and it ain't always local.

Paul Lundgren

about 12 years ago

There is no such thing as a Duluth restaurant that serves everything fresh from local farms. There are varying levels to which local restaurants try to offer as much local food as they can, but, I don't know about you, I'm having trouble growing things in my garden this week.

[email protected]

about 12 years ago

Bluenewt, a full-time teaching-only gig in my department pays a minimum of $34,000 a year -- that seems livable wage in Duluth to me, though admittedly, not enough to raise a family of four without a second income or some support from the state.  Health benefits accrue at I think 83% time (teaching six classes a year instead of seven, I think) -- it may be lower than that, but it is certainly not higher.  And I can count on less than one hand the number of people in the last eight years who have sought employment at the level that would ensure heath insurance and did not receive it.  

I teach in one of the most humane institutions in the region by the standards I am articulating, and that is entirely because we are unionized.

Now, for all I know, before I joined in 2005, we were paying a nickel a head for every composition paper graded.  I can only report what is true since I was hired.  But since I was hired, my department meets that standard I am setting here.


Paul, I absolutely agree about the impossibility of local foods.  My beef is with the idea that somehow that Sysco truck pulls into the cafeteria at UMD or into a chain restaurant and dreck comes out, and then it pulls behind Burrito Union and local gold comes out.


about 12 years ago


Silly hipsters...


about 12 years ago

+1 Endion, pant pant, gasp, sigh....


about 12 years ago

True story: I once witnessed Jim Richardson coming in off-shift and only purchasing in a reused small plastic bag 3.27 ounces of lentils.  Shit oh dear, I thought.  That is respectful.  He and I would both probably eradicate the existence of fast food joints from the face of the earth in a finger snap would that it were, alas this is not the reality we share.  Chipotal is somewhat the lesser evil of the formula for what exists in modern day America, their trash consumes a smaller space, the lime and peppers help shed obesity, but you burn gas to get there... If you order the Scoville units I do, it will melt the aluminum wrapper, so ask for wax.  

 You can grow ideas in the garden of your mind- Mr. rogers


about 12 years ago

Driving past the Mount Royal location this morning, I saw several vehicals ourside and a dumpster. I drove through the lot looking for corrugated sheet metal (IMHO an absolute indication of Chipolte-tude). The Bagleistas nearby said there's been activity for the last week.

Tony D.

about 12 years ago

Oh how our politically correct cup so often runneth over here on the PDD!  Can anyone else turn their reply into a statement whose subtext is all really about how cool they are because of their purchasing standards, food/beer/music preferences, and travel experience?

Sorry. Winter is getting too long for me....

To make a point: I don't want to come off as an apologist of big business, but too many above me have painted the issue in such black-and-white terms that I feel compelled to remind us all that more often reality comes in myriad shades of gray. Yes, Sysco does offer some crappy processed food. It also offers organic, regionally grown food -- can't say that every restaurant/store that uses Sysco stocks it, but they offer it. Most restaurants in town get at least some of their food from Sysco or Upper Lakes or another wholesaler, often both. To name a few: Amazing Grace, Lake Ave Cafe, Beaner's, and yes, even the Duluth Grill buys some food from Sysco.

The next time you are in the co-op, check the small print on many of the labels: plenty of the product on WFC's shelves get there after riding in Sysco trucks., if you walk around the back of WFC an hour before you pass the BU, you'll likely find the same Sysco truck. Claire, Sysco may not be making that BU salsa, but they may well be providing the raw ingredients for it. Your favorite Asian restaurant? Likely gets at least some of its food from Asian Foods, which is owned by Sysco. All the talk of Sysco, but no mention Upper Lakes Food or US Foods -- and they distribute the same kind of products Sysco does. 

I'll end with a question: If Duluth's Marshall-Wells was still the largest wholesaler of its kind in the U.S. and third in the world -- as it once was -- would you consider MW a giant evil entity or a homegrown success story? Because in Houston, Sysco is a homegrown success story.


about 12 years ago

One of my sources tells me that the Woodland and St. Marie's activity is rumored to be due to a dentist moving into the former gas station.

The Big E

about 12 years ago

I heard that Chipotle was moving into the former Falk's Pharmacy in Lakeside.  

So is the Kozy.

about 12 years ago

When Trader Joe's opens in the new high rise downtown, it'll have a Chipotle in it.

about 12 years ago

I walk by the Burrito Union on my way to work. You may very well be right about the WFC, but I don't often shop there. I do okay on a roaster's pay, but I don't make enough to afford the WFCs prices ... but I don't doubt what you're saying.


about 12 years ago

#mountroyaldentist --- YeeeHaa, just what an up and coming student district needs, a dentist.


about 12 years ago


It's surprising, but for many staple items, WFC is often equal to or cheaper than Cub.

about 12 years ago

For some stuff,'s the rest that eats away at your bank account.


about 12 years ago

+1 Tony D. Every restaurant in town uses Sysco.

[email protected]

about 12 years ago

Just in case anyone misunderstood:  I am not slamming nor celebrating Sysco.  I am questioning the presumption that local restaurants with labor practices no better (possibly worse) than national chains and with food sources similar or identical to national chains are somehow more worth patronizing than those national chains.  And I am questioning the idea that, if a national chain has better labor practices or better food sourcing, we should still prefer the local.


about 12 years ago

Sysco is an easy target.  I've used Sysco, Fraboni's and Upper Lakes Foods. Oh, and Sam's club.  You can't source exclusively locally and I have tried. Business isn't social work, and I've tried that, too.

You know what is a pretty decent place?  Aztecas.  Local or a small chain at least. 

Azteca Mexican Grill Reviews


about 12 years ago

I can only hope that if they do arrive in 558xx somewhere that it's up at the mall with all the other blight ... or better yet, Hermantown.


about 12 years ago

Nothing further that I know, but my eyes and ears are being kept open.  Part of me is hoping that they never get up here as I can't imagine I will be able to stick to any sort of sane diet if they do.


about 12 years ago

Panera is in at the old Ground Round site.


about 12 years ago

Well, I asked one of the wine store guys next door if he had heard what's going in.  He said 'Dentist."  He said the rumors of Leeann Chin and Chipotle are wrong.


P.S. I love Panera!


about 12 years ago

@The Big E -- yes! yes!! Lakeside and booze -- my favorite topic...instead of the Kozy, tho -- it should be Myrtle's.

[email protected]

about 12 years ago

I thought a vitamin shop was going in the old Ground Round.


about 12 years ago

Why does this generation get so excited about cookie cutter food. Find a local place and support it with the same vigor. Local families take a big risk to bring us great food options and they need your support. Having said that, I do like Tex Mex.


about 12 years ago

"Why does this generation get so excited about cookie cutter food."

The fast food industry spends millions on marketing toward children. Childhood indoctrination creates a brainwashed consumer for life.

Anything different must be demolished and a CVS pharmacy built in it's place; make way for capitalism!


about 12 years ago

In this case, it's not that anyone's getting excited about cookie cutter food, it's that everyone's getting excited about 'good,' or 'great,' food.  

I am typing away in Taos, New Mexico, where I have just finished another in the looooong line of amazing green chile, New Mexican cuisine. In my opinion, there is zero good New Mexican food in Duluth. It is all bland and flavorless. I have never eaten at a Chipotle, but if it is as good as everyone says it is, then bring one to town. Please!

William David Loes

about 11 years ago

I am an ex-cook for a Chipotle and the main reason they haven't had one is distribution problems. The nearest store to Duluth is in St. Cloud. The first one should be opening, last I heard, in January. I still keep in touch with my old boss for some updates!

Barrett Chase

about 11 years ago

I'd like to see a more reliable source than that blog. 

1) The authors don't identify themselves by name. In the About section, it says it's run by "people who were interested in the Duluth's retail and commercial development scene."
2) They don't know how to change the blog's subtitle from the default "Just another site."
3) They say, "Sources are beginning to confirm that Chipotle plans to open at the Miller Hill Mall in late 2014 / early 2015." Okay. What sources are these exactly? It's never mentioned.


about 11 years ago

On the other hand, the information presented seems fairly specific. If it was just a purely speculative piece I don't think they would guess that Chipotle wants to build in the parking lot next to the bank.

Paul Lundgren

about 11 years ago

I have trouble believing someone could start a blog dedicated to covering community development topics and decide to call it CDinDuluth without realizing people would call it Seedy in Duluth.


about 11 years ago

Well, there are the people who started a community assistance group with the acronym CUM and then pretend its 'ChUM'.


about 11 years ago

Just to add to the mystery...

The Duluth News Tribune reports a yet unnamed 'Mexican style' restaurant opening in the Bluestone development and on WDIO last night Darren Danielson made the comment, "Burrito lovers will be happy".


about 11 years ago

Unless we are getting a Qdoba, I think my information is starting to look good.


about 11 years ago

It's a chain called Big Burrito. Yes, that's what I thought.


about 11 years ago

From the UMD Statesman:

"There's going to be a Starbucks, a Chilly Billy's (frozen yogurt), a Big Burrito—similar to Chipotle—and a couple other places," said Peggy Walsh, property manager at BlueStone Lofts.


about 11 years ago

Now that is not positive news.


about 11 years ago

Looks like it's a Michigan-based mini-chain, it has only 2 locations. It's too bad that it's not a local entrepreneur ... sigh ... the website and the menu just look very ... boring.


about 11 years ago

Here are some reviews:

So looks like a good place post bar, and delivery success is likely dependent upon local manager/staff, but menu and reviews...not looking great.


about 11 years ago

It's confirmed!


about 11 years ago

But why, why, why at the godawful mall?!?!?!?!?  I hate that place.  The drive up Central Entrance to the mall is just depressing.  I would lose the will to live just driving to eat up there.

So that sucks.


about 11 years ago

agreed emmadogs


about 11 years ago

Wow.  Qdoba is coming as well.  We are going to have burrito market saturation in short order.

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