November 2012 Posts

Where in Duluth?

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Yet another LPOE Post

Can someone explain the sign now in the window at the Last Place on Earth stating that on April First they will stop selling incense and start selling marijuana?

Duluth 2012 General Election Results

With 100 percent of precincts statewide reported, here are the unofficial results in races relevant to Duluth.

Seeking Nominations for the Arrowhead Arts Awards

Who would you nominate for the awards below? I’m interested in seeing new names, new faces in the arts that we might not consider! Post some suggestions in the box below, and consider nominating them!

Seeking Nominations for The Arrowhead Arts Awards

Lake Superior Honey Co. Kickstarter

On the heels of a Duluth City Council vote to broaden legal beekeeping within the city, Jonathan and Erin Otis of Lake Superior Honey Company announced the launch of an online campaign to raise funds for the expansion of their successful honey company. Continue the story at:

Norman Pettingill: Outsider artist from Superior

Has anyone heard of this guy? Norman Pettingill was born in Iron River in 1896. He moved to Superior in 1937. He was known for his “backwoods humor” postcards. A hardcover (plywood, actually) book on his work came out in 2010, with an introduction by R. Crumb, who published Norman’s work in the 1980s. He died in 1991.

Tiny Bird Living in a Big Box

This bird is living in the Home Dept Store in Duluth. Or it was a few days ago anyway.

At first I just caught it out of the corner of my eye, thinking it was a figment of my imagination, then I discovered it was real. Then, and this is the best part, a lovely clerk in a bright orange smock caught me and my daughter looking for the bird and she started to tell us its remarkable story.

Rod Raymond – Part II

Duluth News Tribune: “UMD investigates two new complaints against Raymond

Duluth News Tribune: “Ex-UMD official: He advised firing Raymond, was demoted

Old PDD Post: “Regarding Rod Raymond

Low’s 2005 performance of “California” on Last Call with Carson Daly

This video was posted on PDD back in 2005 as a QuickTime Movie, but now it has been converted for YouTube, so here it is again. And here’s a link to Chris Godsey’s coverage of it all on

This week: Shakespeare, Sedaris, and his purple highness


Here’s a sampling of what you have to look forward to this week on the PDD Calendar.

Get your genealogy on tonight at the Twin Ports Genealogical Society meeting.

Tuesday is election day. Find your polling place and don’t forget you can register at the polls. Share your election day experience here and watch PDD for local election results.

Much Ado About Nothing opens at the Manion Theater at UWS on Thursday and runs two weekends.

David Sedaris rocks the DECC on Friday. If you saw him last time he was here, you will know that a book reading can rock a house.

The much anticipated showing of Purple Rain hits Zinema 2 on Saturday with Jody Kujawa hosting Princely karaoke.

So what are you doing this week? Can we tag along? Any upcoming events that you want to promote? Let us know!

Eagles and Lead

Let’s start with the basics. A healthy, wild bald eagle will not pose for a picture like this. So the very existence of this picture means that this guy is in trouble. We think it is lead poisoning.

This is our second eagle this weekend. It looks like another case of lead poisoning. They’re coming in thick and fast. Please, all you hunters … use non-lead ammo. You don’t want to leave a dead eagle behind you in the field.

Lead poisoning is almost certain, permanent damage.  Learn more.

Glengarry Glen Ross

Last night, Kate and I went with our friend and colleague Elizabeth to see Glengarry Glen Ross.

There was a time in my life when I liked Mamet plays — it overlapped sharply with the time in my life that I liked Quentin Tarantino films. And while Reservoir Dogs will always have a place in my heart, that place has changed. I now think of it as one of many average “double-cross” movies, rather than a pressure-cooker of male aggression. But when I was a kid, oh man, it was all about the tough guys.

Beer Store Recommendation

Does the PDD community have a recommendation as to which liquor store has the best craft beer selection? I went to Cash Wise and while it does have a lot of beer and a big “single” selection for $8.99 a six pack, the variety isn’t that great. Warehouse had some different brews but the prices were outrageous. $3.99 for a Big Eddy Baltic Porter? I live close to Woodland Liquor but the people there actually get annoyed and snippy if you ask them a question about anything above Budweiser or Miller. Who has had the best luck and where?

Minnesota Deer Hunting Opener 2012


The 2012 Minnesota deer hunting season opened this morning. I report live while in my stand north of Duluth in Kelsey. Any luck?

What a gorgeous morning. I climbed into my homemade stand in the pitch dark at around 7 a.m., sunrise was 7:57, hunters can legally shoot 30 minutes before sunrise. 

LakeVoice election edition focused on young voters

This week, the editors and student journalists of LakeVoice News have produced more than 30 stories looking at next week’s election. This work includes news articles, interactive maps, videos, audio podcasts and interactive timelines.

You can read these stories by going to the Election 2012 category on the website.

The articles focus on the issues that are relevant and important to everyone but specifically to voters age 18 to 30.